Chapter 1 Kittya

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It's a rainy day the weather outside look very somber, the wind sounds very loud like ghosts crying.

I arrive at my spiritual shop while I am putting my umbrella in the basket, I take off my jacket and hang it on the wall. Water drops slowly drips on the floor.

I grab a lighter and put some candles on, after that I decide to burn sage. Than I am using a feather to spread the smoke in my shop, after I finished cleansing my shop.

I decided to grab some mint tea and sit behind my desk, I am looking at some emails that I have received from my clients.

Yesterday evening I helped one of my female client's her name is Carla. Her son James passed away it's been already three years that she lives without him.

James'death was very unknown for Carla, they found him hanged and the police decided that he committed suicide by himself because of depression. Every dead situation has its own story why and how it happened.

I helped Carla by giving her clarity why and how her son really passed away. This is mainly because she felt something isn't right, she asked me for clarity. Carla is very confident that her son didn't suicide himself and she thinks the reason is not depression.

That evening when Carla arrived at my shop, I saw a tall man shaped figure standing next to her. He is 1,85 tall and blue eyes with black hair color, wearing jeans and white t-shirt. That man is James. Back then I started greeting her first and slowly I do my job. While I make use of my gift.

"Hello Carla, my name is Kittya. I am the medium that is going to give you the answers".

I noticed Carla looked very tense at me when I introduced myself.

"No need to feel very tense, please take a seat. Would you like some tea?".  I  said with a soft smile.

The candles at the table burns very bright, the flames are very small at the moment.

"Kittya, do I need to tell you a bit about my son?" She asked me.

"No need Carla. I can communicate with ur son myself, I am going to write some words in my sketch book that I recieve from your son".

I search for my sketch book than I grabbed a pencil, while in the meantime i am asking James a question.

"James could you please make the flames of the candles bigger, so we can show ur mom ur right now here with us?".

When the flames are getting bigger, i read from Carla's face that she is very surprised. I didn't notice any fear from her, what some of my clients have. I start with my routine and use my gift to communicate with her son James. While i am asking her son questions, i start writing the words into my sketch book.

Friend / Pressure / Drugs / Money / Murder / Box / Letter / Attic / Steven / forced.

House / Violence / Dept /

When i was writing these words, it made me worry a lot. This is not just a story of a situation that happened, this could be a serious case. I started telling Carla the words that I have received from her son James. I gave her some time to think about those words, maybe some words are relatable for her. In the meantime, while she is thinking about it and also reading those words that i sketched in my book. I decided to grab some new tea for both of us.

I came back with the tea and asked her if there if anything that appeals to her. She slightly nods her head with her mouth open of surprise.

"James never talked about a Steven, so this is very new for me to hear, I had a lot depts when he was alive we had no choice but leave the house immediately."

Carla told me she was very disappointed to hear that her son had something to do with drugs.

"He was always a neat person with a good heart well raised by me. I really think my son was forced to do something with drugs".

I really felt for Carla, i told her maybe Steven is an important person in James dead situation. I look into her eyes and ask..

"Carla, the words Attic, Box,Letter, do they relate to you?".

She shakes her head towards me. Then i ask her "Does your house has an attic?".

"Yes, i have an attic but we don't really go there, it's very dark and i don't have a reason to be there."

I start staring at the words and i asked Carla, if her son maybe went to the attic when he was alive. Carla told me she thinks her son never went to the attic so far, she knows.

I take a sip from my mint tea, and i read Carla's email. In her email she gives me a date when we could meet up together at her house. I planned to visit her soon and I want to go upstairs to the attic, maybe i can find a box with a letter in it.

Hopefully when i am at the attic i can feel and see some visions about the past situation that happened with James. He could also show me a bit where the box with a letter is hided.

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