Chapter 3 Kittya

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While I am trying to find the location from my client, I am driving around an area searching for her house. At the same time I am wondering if I am lost.....  After searching a bit more I found the address with her house number 22, Carla only wrote number 22 not with an a or b behind the number.

I decided to call her and tell Carla I arrived but I don't know which house it is the a or b.

She told me its 22a than she opens the front door while waving at me.

''Kittya, great to see you again please come in!''. she said with a happy face expression.

I love Carla's  energy always positive vibes and a strong woman, but sometimes I have the feeling she is hiding her sad emotions. Acting tough by not showing..

''Please Kittya make yourself feel at home, do you want some coffee or tea and something to eat?''.

''I would like some tea with sugar and a piece of chocolate please''.

''Ah... you're a sweet tooth person''

I start nodding at Carla with a soft smile than I said : ''I would never say no to sweets''.

When she was getting a drink for us, I looked around and I noticed she had some family photos hanging on the wall. I stood up from the couch and walked to one specific portrait photo, while I am staring at the photo it gave me a mixed of feelings.

''Here is the tea and the chocolate piece you asked for, oh I see you found a portrait photo from James''.

''Yes, He looks so alive and cheerful in the photo, but its as if he wears a mask because James eyes shows something different''.

Carla told me back when that photo was made from James he wasn't murdered yet.

I asked her if we could go upstairs to the attic, because I want to start doing my research and use my gift.

''Yes, we definitely can go to the attic but I want you to know that, I haven't visit the attic myself since I started moving in this house. So I have no idea what is upstairs there''.

I told her not to worry much about it. When went upstairs I noticed it's a very old loft ladder that they use to go to the attic. Well goddamn I don't really like those ladders they are so old and most time scary. A loft ladder always makes cracking sounds. I hope nothing blocks the ladder and I can just open it easy, but I still need to be careful.

I grabbed the rope that is hanging than I pull the loft ladder down, I saw so much dust and spider webs.

When I opened the loft ladder a lot dust came in my face and I start coughing and sneezing.

''Oh, yea well it doesn't surprise me that the ladder is kinda dusty we never clean the attic''.

''Please be careful when your going up Kittya''.

I started going up with the ladder and turned myself to Carla, than I nod to her.

I got upstairs at the attic I noticed it was pitch dark, for some reason the attic window is taped by the previous residents.

I asked Carla if she has a flashlight for me that I can use. She gave me the flashlight and I started looking around the attic. Lets see... What do we have here upstairs, when I turn around with the flashlight I start shining.

''AAAH, OMG''. I dropped by accident my flashlight.


''Yes Carla don't worry, behind me was a old mannequin I got a heart attack from it, because I didn't expect to see that''.

Alright focus Kittya... I grabbed a lighter and put some candles on. Than I searched for my sage and i start cleansing the attic. The attic gives me chills like a negative energy is hanging here for some reason.

Well... Am I glad I always have some sage with me to give the attic more a positive calm atmosphere.

A tall shaped figure appeared in front of me, it was James he was pointing to a hole in the attic that is blocked by stones.

''Wait hold on... Are you telling me there is something important behind those stones?''. I asked James with a frown. James starts nodding to me and touched my shoulder, I start seeing a vision image that's it's a envelope. ''Aha!'' I knew it James wrote a important letter before he got killed, if I find the letter it could prove us a lot of things about his dead situation.

I walked to the spot than i start to bend over to reach the hole that is hided behind stones. I grabbed each stone and put it next to me than I start shining inside. I noticed a lot spider webs that the spiders have made in 3 years time since James died. Gross..... I hate spiders so much, I close my eyes and put my hand in the spider web and I start grabbing the envelop.

I turn around and I see James slowly fading away with a big smile. Than I went down stairs and I showed Carla I have an envelop from her son, her eyes got very big she looked so surprised.

We went back to the living room and opened the letter from James.

He wrote in his letter that he had good intentions to help his mom with her dept situation, He didn't want her to live on the streets. He had the feeling he failed as a son, he wanted to find a way to earn fast money

that's when he met Steven. The problem is Steven suggested James to join him selling drugs together, working for a unknown big gang that earns money from selling drugs.

James did this for four months, but the thing is, he signed a contract with the gang members that he will keep quiet and do his work properly. In the contract it says u cant just quit and leave the gang, this is for the gang safety that the police wont find out about their drugs dealing.

The most saddest part is that James didn't want to earn money like this and he wanted to quit.

He left the gang with the result that a gang member has been following him and killed James at home.

The gang member that followed him was Steven.

''Damn.. That means Steven had to kill James and by killing him, they are sure James could not snitch their drugs gang company. What do you think about this Carla?''.

I looked at her and she got tears in her eyes. ''I know my son is very wrong by joining the drugs gang but the most painful thing is he had good intentions to help me''.

''Its so unfair he got murdered hanged by Steven because James wanted to quit the gang, I knew my son was very well raised by me''.

I gave Carla a hug and I asked her :''Is there anything I can do for you Carla?''.

''Yes, lets go together to the police office and tell them my son didn't suicide, we need to report this it's a serious murder case''.

I went to the police station together with Carla and we showed the envelop and told the person about the situation. The person we talked to is the Ceo from the police 'Axel'.

After we talked to Axel I brought Carla back home, she gave me a big hug.

''Thank you so much for your help Kittya, I really appreciate it a lot, I am glad I was right my son didn't suicide on his own''.

''Your welcome Carla, I hope the police will take action because this is a crime murder case what  happened to your son. If you need extra support and help give me a call''.

She nods to me and walked to the front door waving at me than she went inside her house.

I drive back to my shop and try to clean my head a bit by taking some rest.

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