꧁⫘Chapter 5⫘꧂

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The red-light glistens on his face around us, everything looks red and black in the mirror maze. I looked him in the eye after we kissed just moments ago.

I lean over Aarons shoulder the knife still in my hand and whisper to him "10 seconds, run baby run, run for your life, I will tear out your heart it will always be mine..." I say then step back. Oh, the fear in his eyes when he sees the knife, makes me feel so alive. "W-what? Yuna I-" "10 seconds, run."

He dashes down the red lit halls of the maze. "1, 2, 3, 4..." I count aloud watching him scurry away. "9, and 10... ready or not, here I come." I say loudly with a small giggle. Little did he know I knew this maze inside and out since I did it each year, my plan was all coming together. He went the wrong way... hm, what a pity.

I scraped the metal knife against the mirror walls as I walked to his little hiding spot. "Oh, Aaron... Aaron, Aaron, the boy who was my enemy, my bully, now fears me..." I say in a silky tone.

I hear slight breathing and muffled cries and slowly make my way over to them "to bid this all has to come to an end so quickly, you were a good one fun one at that, you know that?" I see him in the corner of the mirror maze. He sees me in the reflection of the red light in the mirror. I look like a shadow.

"Done playing cat and mouse, love?" I say with the knife still in hand. "Any last words, dear?" I ask, taking a step closer to Aaron. "You're a- a... a psycho." He says locking eyes with me weak, sad, eyes. Oh, how my heart beats happily at the sight.

I stood over him, his shaking body under me in fear. "I might be but... One last thing..." I say my words falling together like string. "I love you." I said and stabbed him. I twisted the knife into his chest watching him grunt in pain. Around him in the red light as the blood matched the puddle around him. I put the knife in his hands and wiped his blood off his hands and left the mirror maze.

I ran out of the maze acting panicked. Once I see Atlas and the rest of the group, I go over to them and yell "Atlas! Help!" And she quickly hurries over with the rest of the group. "Aaron... He- He... Killed himself... in the mirror maze..." I lie straight to their faces, well most of them anyway. Although the good thing is I took an acting class in school though, guess that Pay'd off. "Aaron...." I say in sorrow and take a breath. "He said he wanted to kill himself in the mirror maze... see it all happened... said he could never forgive himself for his sins..." I say fake crying.

"Oh my god, Yuna, I'm so sorry." Atlas says and hugs me. With everyone else seemed shocked and teary about Aaron's death. But little do they know I am a psychopath. And I am good at that. I have learned you have become extremely dangerous; you learn to control your feelings. I am a devil in the world of angels.

As much as in concerned if I am still breathing, I am fine, even better if there no breath of my 6th kill is not there.

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