Chapter 2: Teledrama

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"Fuck.. another dead end, but what else can I do. Guess I have to call her myself and hope I don't screw that up too." Pulling up his email with her information on it Jordan gave Mrs. Gunther a call, but god he wished he didn't have to talk to more people, it felt like their words were anvils on his head it was so hard to focus on what they were saying. "Hello you have reached HR for Mega-Corp Mrs. Gunther speaking, how may I help you today?" The voice was from an older woman with a bit of a southern accent, it was now or never. "Hello Mrs. Gunther, this is Jordan Applegate I'm calling about my interview."

The older woman's voice raised a few levels with excitement, her words blaring like a megaphone to Jordan as she cut him off. "Oh of course dear, I am excited to meet you later this morning. I saw in the file you have a recommendation from that sweet girl in accounting Janet Harrows, she is just sweet as sugar and I just can't wait to meet you after seeing that."

Jordan tried to power through, having a hard time focusing on what she was saying. "Yes Ma'am, I am looking forward to that too, I was calling about the interview." Mrs. Gunther cut him off again "Of course you are dear, with a name like Applegate and friends with Miss Harrows I'm sure you are a good seed." The elderly lady laughed at her own joke playing on his name before continuing. "You calling ahead to make sure the interview is still on is just good manners and good business, I just can't wait to meet you. I have already been interviewing people this morning and I tell you sweetie none of them had the good manners to call ahead like you. You know what dear I know we have not met yet, but why don't you just call me Mrs. Bridget, it is still a little formal so we can get away with the little informality. Now, dear, I do have to go, we have more interviews to do this morning and don't go and thinking you are getting the job just because I have taken a shine to you, we have some good girls here trying to do honest work. Now I will see you later, I can't wait to see you. Bye now, dear." Mrs. Bridget smiled as she hung up her phone and turned to one of her coworkers. "That Jordan girl, she is just so sweet and has just the mousiest of voices, she better be careful of the men here might eat her alive. Though she could be one of those work till married girls. She again laughed at her own joke.

Jordan pulled the phone from his ear and was just flabbergasted, she barely let him speak at all and now he felt stuck, what was he going to do. He sat there on the floor longer and figured the first step was a shower and maybe his brain would kick in. With his room locked up, he went into the master bedroom and used Eric's shower. When he grabbed the body wash almost nothing at all came out so he had to use some fruity-smelling one left by, Becky. "Just my luck." He lathered and washed his body and hair and after getting got out and drying off he could smell the sweet-smelling soap lingering on him, but it did give him an idea.

Walking into the bedroom Jordan pulled open the closet and found what he was looking for, Becky's clothes, she had so many of them. He figured she must have something not too feminine that he could get away with and after a bit of looking he found what looked like a close-to-normal pants suit or at least so he thought. He went to grab his boxers from the other day and realized he couldn't' wear them, some spilled beer and scent of smoke from last night, not to mention a cum stain from his activities yesterday.

"Well shit." Jordan rummaged through some drawers till he found Becky's panty drawer and pulled out a black pair and put them on quickly so he wouldn't think himself out of this course of action. "Why couldn't I be bigger or Eric be smaller so I could at least fit in his clothes without looking ridiculous." Moving as fast as he was Jordan didn't notice dried cum on the back of the panties from Eric's nightly pleasure sessions. The next issue was the pants almost fit they were about an inch too small for his waist. He banged the wall with his hand in frustration and regretted it right away as the shockwave hurt his brain reminding him the world is pain when hungover. He had seen something that could help in Becky's lingerie, a small corset that goes around the stomach, so on it went and the thing was made to make Becky be pulled in a little so when Jordan did it the feeling was horrible like he couldn't breathe. His masculine pride felt like it was in shambles, no beard, wearing woman's clothing and a device that pulled his waist in so he could have a girlish figure. Though with it on he was able to fit into the pants and blouse no problem, though he realized he had to wear something under the blouse as it was just too sheer. "Why was she such a girly girl! Arg" Removing the blouse he found a white or white-ish he wasn't the best with the subtle color differences camisole and put the blouse back on. The reverse buttons were a pain and all tasks were difficult hungover as he was.

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