Chapter 6: Jordan's long Day

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Placing his purse on the small desk Jordan glared at the thing, it was overly feminine and he hated it almost as much as he hated wearing the heels. At least the walk to the Bus and into the building was enough for him to figure out how to walk in the things without falling down. "Hurray for natural balance." he mockly cheered himself as he turned on the computer. He was mostly alone in the area; Tiffany wasn't in yet nor was his boss Mr. Adam Wesker so it was smooth sailing to get up to the fourteenth floor. He didn't even have to deal with a bunch of guys hitting on him, maybe this getting in early was the way to go for as long as he was stuck here and he hoped that wouldn't be long.

Opening up his email he saw one from a Mrs. Bridget Gunther from twenty minutes earlier. "Wow she gets in real early." He said as he read through the email. It looked like yesterday the goal was just getting to know everyone, that is why they only had Jordan doing things like fetching coffee. Business hours for both today and tomorrow he would be getting some hands-on training to fit his secretary role. He didn't care if they called it an admin assistant or a PA, he knew what the job was. What kind of training could they really give him, didn't they see his certifications in IT and his work history? He read through the list, phone training, business and phone etiquette, printer training, learning to file, basic typing skills. Geez this was going to be mind numbing, but at least there was a good thing about all this. It looked like Mrs. Bridget had Tiffany training him. Apparently, Tiffany was promoted to front desk manager and worked on this floor so she knew the ropes. Mrs. Bridget was doing him a solid and she didn't even know it. This was odd to him, the job title changes for Tiffany sure just sounded like a different way to say secretary, but she had to do it on the ground floor, not much of a promotion.

Jordan was just starting to read the next email, a welcome to the team email blast to the floor to welcome Jordan Applegate to the company when he heard his name in a tone that sounded surprised. "Jordan!" Janet stood before him dressed sharply in a nice knee length dress with a trim suit jacket, she was holding a few things. It looked like a purse, a laptop back and a plastic bag with boxes in it.

"Oh hey Janet." Jordan said to his ex-girlfriend. He had completely forgotten about talking to her about the current predicament, and now here he was dressed like a woman sitting at a desk.

"Don't you oh hey Janet me..." Janet looked around before leaning in closer "Mister! What is going on here!? No scratch that, you're coming with me." Jordan had just started to turn his office chair to the side before Janet grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him into the woman's bathroom.

Turning the lock on the door once inside she turned back to Jordan scowling. "Explain... Now."

Jordan swallowed hard and told her what happened from the time they last talked. "I, I just can't believe you I mean... It obviously happened. But Jordan things going bad around you all the time and it is always other people's fault. Tell me now that you could not have avoided this."

Jordan could feel Janet's anger, it was pretty sure she wasn't this angry when they broke up. "Yeah, I guess I could have avoided some of.." The sentence didn't get to be finished when Janet snapped the fingers on her left hand and pointed at Jordan.

"You guess, well here is something you don't have to guess about. You wanted to still be friends; well, you have fucked that up big time mister... Missy. Jordan, you don't seem to grasp what you have done here to you and to me."

Jordan for his part bit his lip and looked down to the floor "Yeah I know I screwed up, why else would I be here looking like this. I know if it doesn't go well, I could make you look bad." He looked up to Janet with pleading eyes. "It is going to be okay though I will be able to get my clothes soon and with my computer, I can find another job. I will take anything; I screwed this opportunity up but maybe I can reapply later for a spot on the IT team once I pick up something that can get me out of these clothes.

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