Chapter 7: Finale

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Waking up comfortably on his back Eric felt happy and moved his hand up
to Becky's hair and stroked it in the dark room, his groggy mind kicking
into gear slowly that no Becky was gone. Lifting his head, he saw Jordan
on his side, head on his chest, hair everywhere and his leg across his
and that Jordan somehow did that and had all the blankets. Slowly
disentangling himself from his friend who let out a little snort almost
waking up before pulling Eric's pillow to his chest to replace the man,
he got up and grabbed some clothes from his dresser before going to get
changed in the bathroom after a nice shower. The hot water poured down
his well-muscled body, Eric didn't work the construction yard like his
employees and supervisor most of the time. Though he was the type of
boss that liked to get in there and help, lead by example type and he
had to stay in shape to be able to do that.

Reaching for his shampoo he shook the bottle; it was almost empty and he
better replace it fast before his sister filled up an open spot in the
shower with more of her stuff. Between Lauren and what was left of
Becky's' soaps and shampoos and lotions he hardly had any room for his
stuff in his own shower.

After a quick shave Eric crept back into the room fully clothed except
his shoes, he moved to his computer chair needing to finish what he
started last night before things got complicated.

Turning on the computer screen he looked back to Jordan to see if the
light woke him up, but he was still sound asleep making little noises.
Without knowing he was doing it Eric smiled from the sight when he
turned back and finished his banking transactions.

Turning the monitor screen back off he crept from the room work boots in
hand and made his way into round two of the don't wake people up living
room addition. He thought he had made it but he heard his sister as he
took the security chain off the door. "Hey!" Lauren said in a whispering
shout, continuing when she saw her brother turn around to face her as
she kneeled on the couch to look over the back towards the door. "You
have a great girl; I like Jordan a lot. You and I need to talk later,

Letting go of the chain he walked closer to his sister not wanting to
make enough noise to wake Jordan. "Jordan has a great heart, but you are
right we need to talk. Though later and I will explain everything."

Reaching up over the couch Lauren hugged her brother goodbye giving him
a kiss on the cheek. "I'm here for you." The two held the hug for almost
twenty seconds, Eric enjoying holding his sister. He missed the little
brat he just wished she could have visited another time. All this lying
was getting out of hand and he needed to put an end to it. Eric just
wasn't sure how he was going to tell his little sis that his girlfriend
was actually his best friend who he was ready to kick out from not
paying rent, being lazy and taking advantage of him without having a
good reason for starting the lie with her to begin with. Maybe Jordan
was right that not everything is so simple and sometimes things just get
out of control.

It was O'Dark a clock, but Lauren was awake now so she figured she
should start the day. Going into her brothers' room she went right to
the bathroom and reached for her toothbrush. She had been here for only
a few days and had already claimed part of the bathroom territory.
Spitting and rinsing her mouth out she looked at the ground wrinkling
her nose. "Jordan is a bit of a slob, even my brother puts things in the
hamper. I guess I can get this for them I have to do laundry today
anyhow." Peeling off her clothes Lauren got in the shower staying in
till the water started to run cold, and stepping out onto the tile and
feeling something sticky. "Eww gross," Lauren said as she looked down at
a pair of lace panties under her foot. She had a good idea what she had
stepped on and a cold shiver ran through her as she quickly dried off,
tossing on her panties and throwing open the door. "HEY BLUE EYES, TIME
TO WAKE UP!" The yelling woke Jordan quickly thinking something was
wrong and the sight before him could have been an angel. Lauren stood in
the doorway to the bathroom and the bedroom lit from behind showing off
her body. The co-ed had curves and stood with hands on her hips and he
pretty sure he imagined her long light brown hair was blowing in the
wind. He was still dreaming; this was going to be an amazing lucid

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