chapter 5

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On the other hand even before Jin, Namjoon and Jimin could get to Jungkook and aid the crying boy, a loud wail from Taehyung who was coming inside while hugging Hosoek caught their attention making them totally forget about Jungkook.

They all except yoongi hurried to Taehyung forgetting about Jungkook. Yoongi stayed with Jungkook, putting a tissue under his nose and lifting his head up to stop the bleeding. "Don't worry, it'll be okay," Yoongi said softly, trying to calm him down.

After a few minutes, the bleeding ceased. Jungkook's anxiety began to subside, and said to Yoongi, who was carefully applying an ice pack around his nose. "Hyung... aren't you going to Taehyung?" he asked, innocently looking at yoongi with his doe eyes.

Yoongi glanced at him, a tinge of guilt flickering in his eyes. At times, he recognized that due to Taehyung's health condition, they unintentionally overlooked Jungkook, yet he wasn't fully aware of the extent to which Jungkook felt neglected in their own home. "Why would I go to him... Everyone's already with him, and someone needs to stay with you too," he murmured softly, a touch of guilt and sadness lacing his voice.

Jungkook thought 'Hyungs only seem to care when I'm sick or hurt... Maybe I should just die or kill myself, then they'll love me.'

He snapped out of his thoughts when Yoongi gently shook him and asked, "Where are you lost?"

Jungkook shook his head and replied, "No... nothing."

"Okay, now lie down and rest," Yoongi said, gently guiding him onto the bed and tucking him in with the blanket.
Yoongi leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Jungkook's forehead,a silent gesture of comfort and care.

After that, Yoongi settled beside Jungkook on the bed, reluctant to leave him alone in his vulnerable state, fearing another bout of nosebleed. Meanwhile, Jungkook remained absorbed in his thoughts, a sense of sadness and neglect enveloping him once more witnessing  how his brothers, except for Yoongi, had left him when his nose was bleeding, rushing to Taehyung's aid for a minor knee injury. He wasn't envious of Taehyung; rather, he felt a profound loneliness, sensing that he wasn't as significant to his brothers or that he could never be their top priority.

After dinner, Jin entered Jungkook's room, accompanied by Taehyung, who was limping slightly. Jungkook glanced at Taehyung's injured knee and asked, "Are you okay now?" Taehyung nodded, reassuring him, "It's just a small scratch... it hurt a lot earlier, but it's much better now."

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, who returned the gesture and then inquired, "And how about you? Are you feeling better now? I heard you had a fever and a nosebleed," his concern was evident for his twin.

Jungkook sighed and nodded, murmuring, "Yeah... I'm fine." Despite his words, he wasn't feeling well at all, especially after feeling abandoned by everyone, but he chose to remain silent, understanding that expressing his feelings wouldn't make much of a difference. Moreover he was used to it.

"Okay, let's sleep now... tonight I'll have both my babies together," Jin declared, aiming to uplift his injured brothers' spirits. Jungkook's face lit up with joy upon hearing this. He couldn't recall the last time he had slept with his brothers. He always yearned to sleep with them, especially Jin. It wasn't that they would refuse him if he asked to sleep with them; rather, it was their behavior towards him that always stopped him from making such requests, even when he suffered from nightmares.

Jin lay between Jungkook and Tae, with Jungkook on his left and Tae on his right. Tae promptly placed his hand on Jin's stomach, cuddling him. Jungkook, too, longed to cuddle Jin but hesitated. Sensing his reluctance, Jin extended his arm invitingly, and Jungkook eagerly nestled against him, cherishing the moment. He wished for these tender moments with his brothers every day, yet he understood all too well that such instances were rare....very rare.

Jin planted a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads and said, "Aww, my injured babies... Get well soon. Hyung doesn't like seeing you both sick or injured."

Four days later, not much had changed in the Kim mansion. Jungkook had fully recovered, and his hyungs had reverted to their usual cold demeanor towards him. Taehyung's knee had also healed completely. During Jungkook's illness, he had to skip his training, so Namjoon and Yoongi assigned him extra sessions to make up for lost time. Although tired and tempted to protest, Jungkook refrained from saying anything, aware that it would only anger them and lead to even more vigorous training.

Currently, Jimin was tutoring Taehyung and Jungkook. Despite his sweet and kind demeanor, Jimin was also strict about their studies, and he could be quite intimidating when angered.

He assigned them five math problems to solve within 20 minutes, and as they worked on their assignments, Jimin opened his own book and began studying. He was known as a top student, always seizing any opportunity to study whenever time allowed.

Jimin glanced into their copies from time to time to monitor their progress. When he checked Taehyung's work, he noticed an error and said, "This isn't right tae.... you're using the wrong formula." Taehyung apologized and attempted another approach, but it also proved incorrect. With a sigh, Jimin patiently explained the correct method, and Taehyung grasped it, completing the problem accurately this time.

Turning to Jungkook's copy, Jimin sighed in frustration. Jungkook had made the same mistake as Taehyung, prompting Jimin to express his irritation, "Jungkook, this is such an easy question... How could you get it wrong? I've explained it twice before, yet you still made the mistake." Jungkook lowered his gaze and apologized.

After completing the math problems, Jimin moved on to oral questions. "Okay, first question, Taehyung, tell me what is molarity," Jimin asked, and Taehyung gave the correct answer.

Then, Jimin turned to Jungkook and asked, "State the second law of motion." Jungkook cursed himself internally, feeling the pressure, and admitted, "Hyung, I know the other two laws, but I don't know this one," his voice tinged with fear of disappointing Jimin.

Jimin's gaze bore into Jungkook with anger as he rebuked, "You're in 11th grade and you don't know the second law of motion? Even a 9th grader knows this!" He shook his head in disappointment, his tone laced with frustration. "Why bother going to school if you don't want to learn? Just tell me if you don't want to study, and I'll pull you out, but don't waste our money like this."

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes at Jimin's harsh words. Despite his efforts to avoid disappointing his hyungs, he always seemed to fall short.

Jimin then turned to Taehyung and asked for the answer. Taehyung nervously admitted, "Hyung, I don't know it either."

Jimin stared at Taehyung in disbelief. "You too?" He shook his head before moving on to the next question.

Jungkook looked at Jimin with eyes full of hurt and thought bitterly, 'You scolded me and said harsh things because I didn't know the answer, but tae also didn't know the answer and you didn't say anything to him ... It's okay, Jungkook, just get used to it... it's nothing new for you.' Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he forced them back, unwilling to show his vulnerability.

To be continued

The next part will be uploaded on _joonation_

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