Locking A Weirdo In The Closet

12 5 45

Dora Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Girl: Hey there! *cheering*

Kristen: What are you cheering about?

Girl: Go seals!!!! Go seals!!!! Go seals!!!!

Kristen: Stop!

Girl: Go seals!!!! Go seals!!!! Go seals!!!!

Kristen: That's enough!

Girl: Give me an S! Give Me An E!

Kristen: *shoves the girl into the closet, and locks her in*

Girl: *from inside the closet* Let me out!!!! 

Kristen: Nope! Wait a minute I got something for ya! *lights a cartoon bomb, opens the closet, throws it in the closet, closes it, and locks it again*

Cartoon Bomb: *explodes with a cartoon sound effect from inside the closet*

Kristen: *sees smoke coming from under the closet* That's how you deal with a weirdo!

This story was written on Saturday, May 4th, 2024. (Star Wars Day)

A/N When a weirdo strikes, lock them in the closet! 😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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