Chapter Nine

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"Merci pour tout, maman, papa. Le dîner, c'était génial (Thanks for everything, dad, mom. Diner was great)"Valérie told her parents sitting with them and Julien on their house.

"Bien sûr. Nous sommes les seuls personnes à ne pas fêter Noël ( Of course, we are the only ones who do not celebrate Christmas)"David said.

"On est Athée (We are Atheist.)"Marie pointed out.

"Alors comment ça se passe entre toi et Henry? (So how's it going between you and Henry?" David asked.

She sighed "Bien, je dirais. J'ai eu plein de personne à la maison d'édition où je travaille. Ils viennent et partent. C'est super énervant. Mais on parle tous les jours, généralement deux fois (Fine, I guess. I've had an influx of people at the publishing book house where I work. They come in and walk around and then leave. This is super annoying. But we talk every day at least once, mostly twice).

"Tu es vraiment sérieuse de vouloir essayer avec lui? (You're really serious about trying to work it out with him?)"Julien asked.

"Bien sûr, Jules. J'aime vraiment Henry. Il est super gentil. (Of course, Jules. I really like Henry. He's really sweet.) Valérie said.

"Tant que tu es heureuse (As long as you're happy)"Marie smiled before she leaned down to grab a present from under the coffee table, handing it to her and said "C'est venu pour toi (This came for you)".

"C'est quoi? (What is it?) Valérie asked.

"Je sais pas (I don't know)"Marie shurgged as Valérie grinned, tearing the wrapping paper to display a manilla envelope.

She opened the envelope, pulling out an autograph photo of Henry as Superman as she laughed.

The note said: For my Valérie,

In case you're missing my face as much as I'm missing yours.
With love,

"Que c'est gentil (How sweet). On a dit qu'on ne ferait rien tant qu'il ne serait pas de retour à Nîmes après le Nouvel An (We said we weren't doing anything until he gets back to Nîmes after the New Year)."She preened, emptying the envelope as a superman keychain falls out onto her lap;

"C'est arrivé pour toi il y a quelque jours. M'a dit de le garder jusqu'à aujourd'hui (It arrived here for you a few days ago. Told me to hold onto it until today) David said.

"Merci, papa. Tu ne l'aimes pas? (Thanks, dad. You don't like him?"Valérie said, setting the photo on the table, looking up at her father.

"C'est pas ça. Il semble sympa. Je suis juste inquiet à propos du fait que tu sorte avec une célébrité. J'ai vu des fans avec d'autres acteurs plus connu devenir folles à propos des femmes qu'ils fréquentent. Je m'inquiéte pour ta sécurité (It's not that. He seems nice. I'm just worried about you dating a celebrity. I've seen fans of others more popular actors go crazy on women they date. I worry about your safety)"David told his daughter.

"Ne t'inquiètes pas pour moi, papa. Ça ira. J'ai besoin que tu lui donne une chance "Don't worry about me, dad. It'll be fine. I just need you to give him a chance."Valérie said.

"Je le ferai (I will)"He concedes softly with a sigh as he watched her grab her stuff away.

Later, Valérie feels her phone buzz on the bed beside her just after one in the morning as she groaned, turning on the lamp beside her bed before answering Henry's FaceTime with a sleep smile "Henry, Merry Christmas..."

He grinned as he sits up in bed, watching her do the same as she pushed her curly hair out of her face "Happy Christmas, kitten. You're so cute when you're sleepy. Are you wearing my T-shirt?"

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