Chapter Twenty Five

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"So... Piers, Nik, Simon and Charlie? I almost made Henry make me flashcards, witht he brothers and the wives and then all the nieces and nephews, it's a lot. I'm terrible with names."Valérie asked, pointing out Henry's brothers as the five of them rough house, playing rugby in the backyard with their father Colin trying to play referee.

"That's right. I'm glad you finally made it here. I know Henry has been promising to bring you for a while now."Marianne laughed, nudging her shoulder.

"I know... I just started to work and with Henry filming, we haven't had much time. But we'll be back at Christmas and my parents will even be joining."Valérie said.

"That's great, Valérie. We're looking forward to it. Henry told us you got a job, but I didn't really understand what he said."Marianne said.

Valérie blushed, chuckled "Oh I'm a book translator. I helped translate books.I know Henry like take care of me but I don't like feeling like a burden... "

"Henry tell us you're a twin."Marianne said.

"Oh, yes. I have a twin brother. Julien. He's a photographer for the London Magazine. He's dating my editor and friend Maggie Ortega."Valérie smiled.

Eventually, Henry was outside the house with Valérie since he wanted them to talk alone. Henry wanted to propose.

Henry said "I had this whole thing planned, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it is bad idea. That I don't need it to be perfect, because anytime is perfect. And it's been feeling even more perfect the last few days here with you."

"What are you talking about, Henry? What is perfect?"She frowned.

He answered, quickly, grabbing both her hands in his "You. Now, here... eveything, Valérie."

"Henry, I'm not perfect."She blushed as he sighed, bringing a finger up to her mouth "Maybe not, but you are for me. I need you to stop talking now."

"What..."Valérie gasped, bringing both hands up to her mouth as she watched Henry drop to one knee, seemingly in slow motion as he pulled a black ring box from the pocket of his slacks.

"Valérie... I think I loved you from the first moment I met you in that park in Nîmes. I was going to walk away but I saw you there and I knew that I couldn't walk away, that I had to know you. And since that moment, well, I've been yours."He said.

Valérie chuckled, shifting nervously as her eyes well with tears and Henry grabbed her left hand.

"I'm tired of waiting for the right moment, because there is no right moment, only the right person, and you're it for me, Valérie. I love you so much and there is nothing that would me happy happier than for you to agree to marry me."He said as he opened the ring box to display a beautiful sapphire engagement ring and she gasped.

"He said as he opened the ring box to display a beautiful sapphire engagement ring and she gasped

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"Henry, it's perfect. You're perfect for me too. You're the perfect balance of soft and stern. You make me feel safe while also knowing when to push me out of my comfort zone. You're everything I could ever ask for."Valérie muttered, her voice breaking as she watched him slide it on her left ring finger before she craddled his face in her hands.

"I need a yes, Valérie."He teased with a grin as she nodded, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she pressed her mouth hard against his and he pulled her body hard against his.

"Yes, of course I will. I thought I would be nervous or scared when you asked, but I'm not. It feels right."Valérie chuckled as he pulled her back into his arms.

"Because it is. it is Fate. What is it?"He proclaimed matter-of-factly as she groaned.

"I don't want to take away from your parent's night."Valérie said.

He laughed, wiping her tears away with his thumbs "Don't worry about it. Grab my hand and no one will notice. Let's go to bed."

"Yes please."She grinned, nodding as he leas her back to her house, gripping her left hand firmly in his.

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