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I was in my chambers, relaxing for the day. Even though Sitişah Sultan had come, nothing yet has come of drama in the harem, and has in fact been relatively quiet for now. But something must be cooking in Sultana Neylan's cauldron.

I called Nafise to my rooms, and as per usual she promptly came. 

"Sultana? Everything alright?"

"Well, Nafise, we need to think about what comes next. Now that Sitişah Sultan has arrived, aunt Neylan will try to conspire against my mother and I with her."

"Sultana Fidan, as a part of the plan, we need to exploit their relationship. Make them not trust each other. And from there we could move forward."

"Yes," I nodded in agreement. "we can work with Hanzade Mehmet Giray on this matter. How is the exploitation of Mihrisah going?"

"Very well Sultana, but I'm really confused about something especially."

"Tell me."

"From my investigations, Mihrişah seemed to have gotten 'training' from the other Sultana's and the Pasha, however her behavior suggests otherwise. I have also done some other questioning, and I honestly think Mihrişah is on her own here." Nafise confided to me. I shook my head.

"That's what you may think, but you said it yourself, there is evidence to prove it." I countered. "so what if she in reality isn't linked to them, we can still get rid of her AND frame my aunts."

"But Sultana, if the Sultan-"

"I honestly don't care. We need to get rid of her ASAP, and get rid of my aunts, and Mustafa Pasha, all in 1 and three quarters months. It's a tight deadline."

"All right." Nafise nodded. "One more thing, Sultana."

"I did some digging into Kumru Kalfa, and I found out that she fled the palace to her personal residence in Üsküdar."

I scoffed. "She has a personal residence?" Nafise nodded.

"I want you guys to catch her. Find her, and do what's necessary in a week or so. She's a link."

Nafise bowed and departed from my chambers. I decided to go talk to my mother Haseki Ayşe Sultana.


As I made my way to my mother's chambers, my mind was buzzing with the intricacies of the plan we concocted. Neylan's potential schemes, Mihrişah's uncertain allegiance, Kumru Kalfa's sudden disappearance—all these pieces had to fit together perfectly for our strategy to succeed.

Entering my mother's chambers, I found her seated gracefully, engrossed in a delicate embroidery. She looked up as I entered, her serene expression welcoming.

"Fidan, my dear," she said with a warm smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

I approached her and took a seat nearby, composing myself before delving into the matter at hand. "Mother, I believe it's time for us to discuss the next steps in light of Sitişah Sultan's arrival and the potential repercussions it may bring."

Haseki Ayşe Sultana regarded me with a knowing look, her gaze wise and understanding, a shift in her usual attitude. "I've sensed the shifting tides within the harem, my daughter. Neylan's presence always brings a storm, but we must navigate through it with grace and cunning."

I nodded, appreciating her insight. "Indeed, Mother. Nafise and I have been strategizing, and we believe it's imperative to sow seeds of distrust between Neylan and Sitişah Sultan. It may give us the advantage we need."

Her fingers paused in their delicate work as she considered my words. "A wise approach, my dear. But tread carefully. Neylan is not to be underestimated, and Sitişah Sultan may prove to be a formidable ally or adversary, depending on how we handle her."

"I understand, Mother," I replied earnestly. "And there is another matter. Kumru Kalfa has vanished from the palace, seeking refuge in her personal residence in Üsküdar. Nafise is already on the task of locating her."

Haseki Ayşe Sultana's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of Kumru Kalfa. "She is a piece we cannot afford to overlook. Ensure that she is found swiftly, and take whatever measures necessary to secure her cooperation or silence."

With her guidance and support, I felt reassured in our course of action. Together, we would navigate the treacherous waters of palace intrigue, ensuring the stability and prosperity of our family.

As I rose to leave her chambers, my mother's parting words echoed in my mind, a reminder of the weight of our responsibilities and the importance of our bond as mother and daughter. "Stay vigilant, Fidan. Our enemies may be many, but with cunning and unity, we shall prevail."

Fidan SultanWhere stories live. Discover now