-CH 16- Bad decision

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Kyle Miller

After the doctor kept saying stuff like, your condition is this, your condition is that, I just kept nodding my head, but to be honest I barely even heard anything he said, sighing and stretching while walking out of the hospital gates, I felt a chill from how cold the weather was getting, me and Ani used to get really existed when the weather gets cold because that only meant that the snowy season is just around the corner, I kept humming to myself while walking home, the streets were a bit empty since it was 11am by now, It felt peaceful.

Entering the house, I noticed that everyone was sitting in the living room.

Arson was on his phone, while Zoe was playing with his hair and annoying him, aunt jean was in the kitchen cooking something which smelled really good.

usually when the atmosphere is like that, I'D just go to my room but just when I was about to go upstairs young Zoe clung to my leg, which caught me off guard.

"The other day you didn't eat the cheesecake with us! so I am not letting go until you say yes!" she said with a very cute and energetic tone, and looked at me with puppy eyes which was so hard to resist, but I couldn't sit with them... what if my father got mad again?

It was as if aunt jean could read my thoughts because she immediately smiled at me and told me that my father wasn't home today, to which i nodded then joined them on the couch, at least I was calmer today...

That night wasn't actually as bad as I thought it was going to be, they all laughed and ate together, I was a bit silent and only talked if talked to but it actually felt nice... for once it felt nice, and it was when I actually started eating that I realized how hungry I was.


It was a new morning now, he woke up feeling slightly better than he always feels, he actually decided to take his meds today.

Opening the drawer next to his bed, he sighed heavily, the drawer was filled with all different kinds of meds that he stopped taking, or only took them if he felt pain which was actually really wrong.

He threw some pills into his mouth then drank some water to swallow them, he then got dressed up, but felt a sharp pain in his side.

"Uh... I almost forgot I had this one" he muttered while looking at the sore bruise on his right side.

He finished getting ready then headed down stairs, he froze when he saw his father standing in the kitchen sipping on his coffee, he felt disgust from that man, so he wished that he won't talk to him or notice him, fortunately his father didn't even notice he was there so he left peacefully.

As he walked to school he was just zoned out and in his own word when he suddenly heard a scream from not so far away place, that made him snap back to reality, he scanned the area around him but saw nothing, narrowing his eyes a bit he spotted one of the school's biggest bullies who everyone avoided because they were actually dangerous, but when he looked again he saw that they were actually harassing a girl who looked a bit younger than him.

He didn't think twice and threw his bag off his shoulder and went to help her out of that situation, he punched the guy sending him into the ground with a loud thud, the girl was frightened and shaky from what just happened in front of her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!! do you even know who I AM!?" said the guy, as he stood up furiously, his eyes burning with fury.
"Ah what a pity... you don't know who you are?" replied Kyle sarcastically, to witch the guy glared darkly, and took a step closer to him.

"You only have one chance to apologize... If not... I swear I well turn your life into a living hell you fucker." growled the bully darkly as he continued to glare at him.

"pffft apologize? to you? I only did what I saw was right, plus you can never make my life any worse than it already is you jerk." said Kyle with the same sarcastic tone.
"fine... you'll see that I am capable of way more than you think..." Said the bully with a dark smile before he pushed Kyle out of the way roughly then walked away, which confused Kyle but he just shrugged and turned to the young girl.

"Are you okay?" he asked her gently to which she nodded and smiled at him sheepishly.
"Th-thank you so much sir..." she muttered while fidgeting with her skirt
"Eh!? sir? do I look that old" he said trying to sound annoyed."

"N-no I just...." the nervousness was clear in her voice.
"Relax I am just kidding" he grinned widely
"Stay safe okay?" he added to which she nodded with a faint smile and then he grabbed his bag and threw it on his shoulder and continued his way to school.

But what he didn't know is that he just made the biggest mistake of his life.
Walking into the class he noticed than Ani's seat was empty, he tilted his head in confusion but didn't think much of it.
he then sat in his seat as usual, the classes started, one after one... after one, until it was lunch period.

"Hey Kyle go to the cafeteria alone today because I've got a mountain of homework that I need to fucking finish!" said Jason as he took out some papers from his bag and throwing them into the table with a thud.
"uh... fine, do you want anything from the cafeteria?" he said as he stood up to leave."
"just banana milk" he added.

Kyle nodded and then left, but as he was walking when suddenly two guys stopped him, they were his friends but not really close ones though.
"huh hey Nathan and Ryan how are you guys doing?" he asked with cocky smile.

"Oh we're great, like totally great" they grinned at him widely.
"wanna come with us? we got a new motorcycle bro!" said Nathan with excitement.
"FR?! damn of course I'd love to see it" his smile grew wider, he used to hang out with them a lot in the past and they had a passion for motorcycles.

"alright bet, come on follow us" said Ryan as he wrapped his arm around Kyle's shoulder and lead the way to where they parked it, after walking for about 15 minutes they walked into a narrow street, which didn't look very safe.
"uh... guys? don't you think this place is a bit creepy? why did you park it here... it's also way too far from the school" his voice was a bit concerned but he trusted them so it was fine.

"Relax Kyle... it's not a big deal" said Ryan as he let go of his shoulder and pushed him forward, his tone was a bit low and suspicious.
"what do you mea-" just when Kyle turned around, he felt the blood freeze in his veins, his eyes widened and he quickly turned to face them fully, it was the same girl he saved this morning along with the bully and 4 other people all were muscular and big.

"Oh... thank you sir" said the girl who was leaned against the wall sarcastically.
"seriously you're so stupid Kyle" said one of his 'friends' with fake grin.

Kyle's breath hitched, he tried to back away but his back was welcomed by the dirty stone wall behind him, and as if all of this wasn't bad enough suddenly Luna joined them with a menacing look on her face, and dark smile.

"what the fuck is going on here?!! Nathan?! Ryan?! even you Luna!?" Kyle tried to remain calm but the fear he was feeling at that moment overwhelmed him already, his voice was shaky which made them all burst into laughter... his eyes shot wide in horror when...

author's note: hehe sorry to everyone who likes Kyle but ahm ahm

love you pookies <333

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