-CH 28- The ride

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Jason Anderson

I was feeling a bit board while waiting for Arson and Kyle to arrive, I had everything packed up and ready, I was just sitting on the stairs in front of my house like a homeless person who just got kicked out of his house with all his bags. I glanced at the time it was 6:45.

"Where are these two!? we still need to pick up Anika and her friend, the ride is already 4 hours long!" I groaned to myself as if I was some crazy person talking to himself, and I was because a young kid literally looked at me as if was a maniac.

I was wearing a white shirt with a brown jacket, along with black pants, the weather was getting really cold, guess it will snow this year.

I checked my phone one more time at it was now 6:50.

"All this time and only five minutes Passed!" I exclaimed, the same kid gave me a look then shook his head, bruh I want to kick him I swear. 

Finally a big black jeep car arrived, I recognized it immediately and stood up ready to start yelling at them, but then I spotted Ani and... what in the-... the girl sitting next to her was... god I think I found the love of my life, I mean all girls are the love of my life but she eh...

She had round honey eyes, and deep black hair, her cheeks were rosy, she was Perfect! Literally the girl of my dreams.

"Hey Jason, sorry we picked the girls up first cause, they are girls, you know." Chuckled Arson. I was just staring at the girl blindly, I even forgot that I was mad.

"Jason!" Kyle snapped his fingers glaring at me. "Not here."

I snapped out of it, I definitely was making her uncomfortable, Arson got out and smacked the back of my head. "Come on carry the bags in with me. Lover boy."

I shook my head and glared at him, but then started putting thing in the car with him.

Arson placed his hands on his waist and looked at the amount of bags we brought.

"Guys did you bring your whole house or what? it's only THREE days!"

"Arson shut up and get in the car." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"And you Kyle go sit in the back only important people sits beside me,"  Arson uttered as he, got into the driver's seat, the car was three sections, the front, the middle where Ani and the love of mt life were, and lastly the back, I went to the back cause well, that way I could have more space.

"Eh? And who exactly are those 'important people'" said Kyle while making quotation marks with his fingers.

"My girlfriend of course, come on take your butt to the back." Arson then turned on the engine, while Kyle rolled his eyes and got out of his seat, he slammed the door behind him which made Arson yell at him, I just laughed and scrolled through my phone. He sat next to Ani and my love.

"So, who is your pretty friend Ani?" I said as the car started moving, Kyle glared at me but I ignored him.

"Hi, my name is Kaitlyn, but every one calls me Kaity so yup." her voice was so soft too! omg.

"Can I call you mine instead?" I said in a flirty tone, to which she chuckled.

"Well no, but that was smooth though." she replied playfully, Kyle on the other hand glared at me even more, if that was even possible. I rolled my eyes at him then rested my head on my arms.

"So, what year are you in Leny?" I invented that nickname just now, but it didn't sound that bad right?

She chuckled softly. "I like that name, well I am a junior, but I am a year behind so I am 18 years old." she replied as she tugged her hair behind her ear, she even smells so good... she is the girl of my dreams.

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