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I woke up late today because I just couldn't bring myself to face Jake, especially after what I promised. Time went by, and I was still lying in bed. Suddenly, at 12:17, I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was rude to leave someone waiting alone in my house, but I couldn't help it. "Mel," he called out through the door, his voice filled with concern. "Yes, Jake?" I replied, trying to sound calm despite my unease. "Are you okay?" he asked, his tone tinged with worry. "Yeah, I'm fine," I responded, trying to be straightforward.

"Look, Mel," Jake began, his voice trembling slightly. "If what I've asked you, or what you want to do, is too much, we can forget about it. It wouldn't be fair to force ourselves into something that doesn't feel right, like the medium had warned." He paused, his words hanging in the air. "I'm coming downstairs," I finally said, mustering up the courage to face him.

Slowly, I descended the stairs. There stood Jake, his eyes fixed on our projects, his expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "Let's sit over there," I suggested, pointing towards the dining room. As we sat down, I gathered my thoughts, trying to find the right words. "I've been thinking about everything, and I believe it's best if I go through with the process," I explained, my voice quivering slightly. "We can't just let this go. Who knows who the spirit will target next? Besides, the pastor assured us that the process is always successful and painless. I was actually thinking... maybe we should do it today."

"I really appreciate you, Mel. If you're truly comfortable with this, then today sounds great," Jake replied, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and anticipation.

Afterwards, I went upstairs to take a shower and quickly returned downstairs to grab a bite to eat. We hailed an Uber and made our way to the eerie monastery. Surprisingly, the pastor agreed to perform the process that very day. "This bottle once held the spirit," Jake explained, his voice filled with a strange mixture of fascination and dread. "The medium told us that to reach the spirit, we have to return to the burned house and step into the yard." The pastor simply nodded in response, his expression unreadable.

Offering us a ride, the pastor drove us to Jake's old house. As we arrived at Cliffordale, I could sense the shock on the pastor's face, mirroring my own surprise. It seemed Jake had a connection to this place all along. We parked the car about 10 feet away from the charred remains of the house and stepped outside. The sight was chilling - nothing remained of the once-standing structure, not even a trace of furniture. "For the process to work, a female, in this case, you, Mel, must step into the yard. Once the spirit possesses you, the exorcism must be performed immediately, and the spirit will be trapped inside this bottle," Jake explained, his voice laden with urgency. As Jake spoke, I couldn't help but wonder why the spirit hadn't possessed me during my previous visits or when it had tried to strangle me.

"Go ahead, Mel," the pastor instructed, his voice calm yet filled with an air of solemnity. But just as I took my first steps towards the house, Jake called out, stopping me in my tracks. He pulled me into the tightest, longest hug, his grip filled with determination. "This process will succeed, Mel. I promise to fight alongside you until it's done," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, as I let go and continued towards the house, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

I could feel the fear creeping up as I approached the burned house, my heart pounding in my chest. The medium had warned us that we had to fully commit to this process, so I pushed aside my anxieties and focused. I glanced back to see Jake and the pastor waiting at a distance, their expressions filled with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the yard, expecting the eerie remnants of the burned house. But to my surprise, I found myself standing in Jake's house, restored to its former glory. It was unsettlingly normal, devoid of the dusty, dim atmosphere I had come to associate with it. This time, it was clean and vibrant, just as I had seen it when the spirit had tried to strangle me.

As I made my way into the living room, a chill ran down my spine, and I felt a gust of wind sweep through the house. I turned to look towards the kitchen, and there she was. I sat there in silence, my heart racing, as she spoke. "Care for some tea? It would be rude of me not to offer my guests some refreshments," she said, her voice dripping with an eerie calmness. I remained silent, unable to find my voice amidst the fear and curiosity. "Why am I even asking? I'll bring it anyway," she continued, her footsteps echoing as she approached. Placing the tray on the table, she took a seat on the couch opposite me. Her gaze locked with mine, and she spoke again, her words sending shivers down my spine.

"You remind me of myself, back in my day. Young, determined, and beautiful. It's a shame my life ended too soon," she said, her voice filled with a haunting sadness. My anxiety got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean 'it ended too soon'?"

A sly smile played on her lips as she leaned in closer. "You know, men, my dear. Let me share a little secret with you. Men will let you down, lower you with a rope. They'll deceive and betray. That's how my life came to an end," she whispered, her words sending a chill down my spine.

I was captivated by her story, curiosity urging me to dig deeper. "Was your life ended by a man?" I asked, my voice trembling with both fear and intrigue, eager to uncover the truth behind her tragic demise.

"I once had a man, you know? A man who turned heads wherever he went, but he was drowning in jealousy. He wanted to control every aspect of my life, and he couldn't stand seeing me with other men. He was filled with rage," she said, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she held a delicate tea cup in her hands.

Curiosity consumed me, and I couldn't help but ask, "So, what led to your untimely demise?"

Her eyes met mine, and a hint of sorrow crossed her face. "Jealousy, my dear. He was consumed by it. Like hot chili sauce, he ran me over without a second thought for what tomorrow would bring."

I was taken aback by the chilling revelation. "Do you despise all men then? Have you ever killed a man?" I inquired, eager to uncover the truth about her feelings towards the opposite sex and whether it connected to Jake's father's death.

She chuckled softly, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and something deeper. "Despise? That's such a harsh word, I'm no angel, but I'm not a killer" she replied, taking another sip of her tea.

Seeking to understand her situation better, I asked, "How did you end up living here?"

"I was invited, my dear. I was needed here," she answered mysteriously, her words leaving me with more questions than answers.

Curiosity burning within me, I pressed further, "Do you happen to know Jake or his parents?"

A hint of confusion flickered across her face. "Not that I know of," she replied, her tone evasive. It was becoming increasingly clear that she was avoiding direct answers, leaving me perplexed.

Suddenly, she moved closer, taking my seat. Her touch sent a shiver down my spine as she spoke, "You, too, could be invited here. You could have all of this for yourself, a life of freedom and care for your loved ones."

My heart raced, and a splitting headache began to throb in my temples. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming. "Join me on this pain-free, fun journey," she whispered, extending her hand for me to place mine on top of hers.

I reached out my trembling hand to 'join her', hoping that this decision would put an end to the chaos and restore normalcy. As our hands intertwined, a chilling smile crept across her face. She passed me a delicate tea cup, urging me to drink. Reluctantly, I took a sip, and as the tea slid down my throat, a wave of dizziness washed over me. The world around me transformed, morphing into a nightmarish abyss. It felt as if I was being sucked into a never-ending void, my screams swallowed by the darkness.

"Goodbye, Mel," she whispered, her voice dripping with sinister satisfaction.

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