Chapter 10: Is she engaged, or?

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Kelly woke up in the soft embrace of Ethan's bed, her gaze lingered on his sleeping form, tracing the contours of his face with a mixture of tenderness and apprehension. She watched in silence as he stirred, waking up slowly.

"What the fuck, Kelly? Why were you staring at me?" Ethan asked angrily as he stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. With a pang of regret, Kelly recoiled slightly, her heart heavy with the weight of his ire. "I'm sorry," she whispered, the words barely audible.

"I am so sorry for yelling at you earlier, I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Ethan's apology washed over Kelly like a soothing balm, the tension between them dissipating like morning mist. With a hesitant smile, she accepted his kiss.

Kelly then rose from the bed and ventured into the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans a comforting sound. As she prepared breakfast for Ethan, the air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon, it felt like they were a real couple already.

Ethan's words of praise echoed in her ears like a melody, his compliments he gave her showed the transformation she had undergone. In that moment, as he showered her with affection, Kelly couldn't help but wonder if this was the happily ever after she had always dreamed of, or merely the calm before the storm.

As Kelly dusted the cupboards, her fingertips grazed upon a box tucked away. With trembling hands, she lifted the lid to reveal a glimmering ring. A surge of excitement coursed through her veins, her heart pounding in anticipation of what lay ahead.

"He is going to propose to me," she squealed with delight. In her jubilation, she failed to notice Ethan's approach until he stood before her, a mixture of confusion and concern etched upon his features. Before he could react, Kelly lunged forward, hugged him tightly.

Caught off guard, Ethan stumbled backward, his expression a blend of surprise and apprehension. "I love you too, Ethan, and yes I will," Kelly declared.

But Ethan's response was not what she expected. "I don't think I'm getting what's going on here," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Undeterred, Kelly clung to him with a desperate determination, her heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear. "You were going to propose to me, right?" she pressed on, her voice trembling with anticipation as she presented the ring before him.

"Kelly, this ring has been in my family for the longest time," he explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "I want to give it out in the perfect time."

Kelly's heart sank at his words. "You've always said you wanted a wife, and I became everything you want in a wife," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached out to him. "I am the perfect girl for you, and this is the perfect time."

With trembling hands, she placed the ring in his hand, a silent plea for validation. Ethan reluctantly placed the ring in her finger. 

But even as she let out a triumphant squeal, her heart ached with the weight of unspoken doubts. "OMG! I can't believe I just got engaged," she exclaimed, the words tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"I can't believe it either," Ethan excused himself with a heavy sigh.

As Kelly entered her home, a radiant smile adorned her face, the glow of newfound happiness illuminating her every step. She settled beside her mother, her heart brimming with excitement as she shared the news of Ethan's proposal. Her mother's response was not the jubilant reaction she had anticipated; instead, it was a sigh, heavy with unspoken concern.

"Aren't you happy, Mum?" Kelly's disappointment echoed in her voice, her brows furrowing with uncertainty.

"If it makes you happy, then I'm happy," her mother replied, her hand gently patting Kelly's head in a gesture of reassurance. As Kelly recounted the details of the proposal, her emotions spilled over, tears mingling with tales of disbelief and longing. She confessed her fears of never finding true love, only to have it materialize before her eyes in the form of Ethan's proposal.

Her mother listened intently, her own heart heavy with the weight of a mother's love and concern. She wished for nothing but the best for her daughter, silently praying that Ethan would prove worthy of Kelly's affection and trust.

Later that same day, as Kelly received the call informing her of the lifting of her suspension from work, a wave of disbelief washed over her. It seemed as though Kelly's life was being blessed with a sprinkle of good luck.

The tension in Gabe's living room was palpable as Kelly swung open the door, her heart brimming with excitement, oblivious to the concern etched upon her friends' faces.

"What the fuck, Kelly, we were worried sick," Emma's voice carried a note of frustration as she crossed the room to embrace her friend, but Kelly pulled away.

"I am not a child, you don't have to be worried about me," Kelly's words came out sharper than intended, her tone defensive as she brandished her ring, expecting their congratulations.

"Ethan proposed!"

Gabe's reaction was swift and harsh, his brows furrowing with concern. "And you said yes?" His voice cracked with disbelief, his gaze piercing through Kelly's façade of happiness. "Ethan is an asshole, he doesn't want to marry you. He saw that you became a little successful, and the next second he proposes. Doesn't that sound shady?"

Kelly's world seemed to tilt on its axis at Gabe's accusation, her heart plummeting with each word. She turned to Emma, seeking solace in her friend's support, only to find her nodding in agreement with Gabe.

"I really don't think Ethan is the right person for you, he is toxic," Emma's gentle words failed to soften the blow, adding fuel to the fire of Kelly's mounting frustration.

"Can't you guys just be happy for me?" Kelly's voice cracked with emotion, her anger bubbling to the surface as she turned to leave, only to be stopped in her tracks by Gabe's firm grip.

"Kelly, we are always happy for you. But you know what, you only seem to come to us when you have problems, but when you are good, you just block us out of your life. That isn't fair," Gabe's words cut deep, a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between them.

As the room fell into a heavy silence, Kelly's emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the harsh reality of their words.

"You guys are the worst!" she spat, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt, as she fled from the room, the echoes of their argument ringing in her ears.

"Why were you so mean to her?" Emma turned to Gabe, her eyes filled with concern for their fragile friend, Kelly.

"Sometimes we have to give tough love without her permission," Gabe responded, his voice tinged with regret as he acknowledged the hurt he had caused Kelly. Despite his reservations, he knew that sometimes honesty could be the kindest gesture, even if it stung in the moment.

"While we are all here, let's just watch a movie, I'll go make popcorn," Maxwell interjected, his easygoing demeanor a welcome relief from the tension that hung in the air. With a casual wave, he headed to the kitchen, his footsteps echoing softly against the floorboards.

"I haven't seen Priscilla in forever, I'm missing her for some weird reasons," she muttered jokingly but when she noticed he didn't take the joke, she backed off.

Emma and Gabe exchanged a weary glance, a sense of unease lingered between them. They knew that their words had wounded Kelly deeply, yet they also understood the importance of confronting uncomfortable truths for the sake of her well-being.

With a heavy sigh, Emma followed Maxwell to the kitchen, leaving Gabe alone with his thoughts.

"Please don't do anything stupid, Kelly," Gabe thought to himself as he crossed his fingers. He couldn't even concentrate on the movie no matter how hard he tried, the thought of Kelly clogged his mind.

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