Chapter 14: Her happy ever after

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"Do you, Maxwell Barnes, take Emma Walker as your lawfully wedded wife?" The solemn words hung in the air, anticipation tingling through the room as Maxwell's gaze met his beloved bride's with unwavering certainty. "I do," he declared, his voice suffused with joy and devotion, a radiant smile illuminating his features as he beheld the woman he cherished.

"And do you, Emma Walker, take Maxwell Barnes as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she proclaimed, her voice steady and unwavering, her eyes shining with love and commitment.

Turning to the couple standing beside them, the officiant continued, "Do you, Gabriel Davis, take Kelly Anderson as your lawfully wedded wife?" Gabe's response was swift and unwavering, his voice filled with conviction as he declared, "I do."

"And do you, Kelly Anderson, take Gabriel Davis as your lawfully wedded husband?" The question lingered in the air, met with a heartfelt affirmation from Kelly, her voice trembling with emotion as she spoke the words she had longed to say. "I do."

With a nod of approval, the officiant proclaimed, "You may now kiss your brides," ushering in a moment of joyous celebration as the newlyweds sealed their vows with tender kisses exchanged amidst a chorus of cheers and applause.

For Kelly, this wasn't the fairy tale wedding she had always envisioned, but as she stood beside her best friend turned husband, she knew that it was more than she could have ever hoped for. In that moment of shared love and unity, surrounded by those who cherished them most, she felt a profound sense of gratitude and contentment, knowing that she was embarking on a new chapter of her life with someone who respected, understood, and loved her unconditionally.

"I didn't come here for this, but..." The unexpected sound of Priscilla's voice drew their attention, both Kelly and Gabe turning to find her standing there, a smile gracing her features. "I came to stand against the wedding, but seeing how good you look together, I couldn't do it," she confessed.

A playful grin danced across Kelly's lips as she quipped, "Thank you for sparing us the drama today, Priscilla." The tension of the moment dissolved as Priscilla enveloped her in a heartfelt hug, the warmth of their embrace speaking volumes of their shared history and newfound understanding. "I am so happy for you," Priscilla whispered, her voice tinged with emotion. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Are those tears I see?" Emma playful jab earned her a mock scowl from Priscilla, who quickly gathered her into the embrace, muttering words of affection and congratulations. "Shut up, Emma," she retorted, her voice betraying the hint of a laugh. "You look beautiful too."

"Ethan didn't come?" Priscilla asked genuinely curious.

"Not everyone goes to their ex's wedding, Priscilla." Max stated and they all laughed.

They all had their honeymoon in Bora Bora and Maxwell was right, it was worth it. Everything that happened in their lives up until now was worth it.

Two years had passed and Kelly's art showroom had blossomed into the largest in the country, a testament to her talent and dedication. Meanwhile, Gabe had flourished in his own career, garnering success and recognition in his field. Amidst their professional achievements, a new chapter had unfolded with the arrival of their baby girl.

As Kelly navigated the trials of labour, Gabe found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions, his nerves tinged with uncertainty and fear.

With each anxious pace, at a point, Gabe wasn't even sure if he was ready to become a father, his mind swirling with doubts and apprehensions. But as he gazed upon his daughter for the first time, cradled in Kelly's loving arms, something shifted deep within him. In that tender moment, as he held her fragile form against his chest, he felt an overwhelming surge of love and protectiveness wash over him. It was a love so fierce, so primal, that it eclipsed all his fears and uncertainties.

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