Chapter 11: I can't do this anymore

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Gabe's heart raced as he spotted Kelly in the workplace, her presence sending a jolt of anxiety coursing through his veins. With a quickened pulse, he ducked beneath a nearby table, his breaths shallow and rapid as he grappled with the unexpected encounter. They hadn't talked for a week now, and no matter how hard he tried to, he just couldn't.

"Have you seen how hardworking Kelly is now? I guess suspension does pay off," someone remarked behind him, prompting Gabe to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I think it's her boyfriend.. umm Ethan. I think he helped her become a better person."

"Really? Have you seen him? He is so cute, he is downstairs with Kelly right now."

Ethan? The mention of his name sent a surge of anger coursing through Gabe's veins, his fists clenching with pent-up frustration. With a sharp turn, he confronted the unsuspecting individuals, his brows furrowed in a scowl of defiance.

"Ethan didn't help Kelly become a better person, she did that all by herself, and Kelly was already perfect." Gabe asserted, his voice laced with an intensity born of protective instinct.

"Okay sure, but why are you yelling?"

As Kelly greeted Ethan from the car window, a sense of unease settled in her stomach, overshadowing the excitement of their meeting. Despite her initial hesitance, she allowed his kiss, though it felt more obligatory than genuine. Kelly noticed certain strange behaviours from Ethan, like this one time he said he had left his wallet at home and she should pay for the bills, when his wallet was obviously in his pocket.

There was also this time he had seen Kelly texting Zeke, he got so angry he started throwing tantrums. He told her that she wasn't allowed to text or call anyone that wasn't him or her mother. He'd probably change if they talk things out, right?

"Umm.. something has been on my mind lately, can I ask?" Her voice quivered with apprehension, her gaze darting nervously out the window before settling on Ethan.

"Sure, sure. Ask away," Ethan's response was casual, but Kelly sensed an undercurrent of tension beneath his facade of indifference.

"Two days after you broke up with me, you had a girlfriend, right? So does that..." Kelly's words faltered as she felt the weight of Ethan's sudden gaze, his grip on her hand tightening in a gesture that bordered on possessive.

"You still want to get married to me, huh?" Ethan's question pierced through the silence, his eyes boring into hers with a intensity that made her stomach churn. With a hesitant nod, Kelly confirmed her lingering desire for their future together.

"So for now, that is none of your business," Ethan's tone was sharp. As he shifted the car into gear and started driving, Kelly's heart sank with the weight of his dismissive words.

Why was he being so mean? Kelly fought to suppress the tears that threatened to spill, determined not to show weakness in front of Ethan.

The next day, Kelly's routine was disrupted by an emergency call summoning her to the art showroom. She had already sneaked out of the office multiple times, and another absence could spell trouble, but she had no choice. As she hastily packed her bag, her name echoed over the public address system.

"Miss Kelly Anderson, please report to my office," Isabella García's voice rang out, tinged with a hint of authority that sent a shiver down Kelly's spine. Oh no, she had been caught.

Nervously, Kelly made her way to Isabella's office, her heart pounding with anticipation. Gabe, too, felt a pang of worry at the mention of Kelly's name, his concern for her well-being obvious.

"Gracía, you called for me," Kelly stated as she entered the office, her nerves on edge as she faced her boss.

"Ah, Kelly, you know I've always had a soft spot for you," Isabella began, her tone surprisingly gentle as she peered at Kelly through her round glasses. But Kelly couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension at the unexpected praise, given her recent suspension.

"You've really improved since the suspension, and I am honestly proud," Isabella continued, her words offering a glimmer of hope.

"Now, be honest, where are you heading to?" Isabella's direct question caused Kelly to hesitate, her mind racing for a plausible excuse. But before she could utter a word, Isabella approached her which made Kelly instinctively move back.

"Kelly, you don't have to be nervous. I know about your art showroom, I even bought this sculpture from there," Isabella gestured towards the sculpture adorning her desk, a gesture that left Kelly speechless with gratitude. She couldn't believe that her boss had not only supported her passion but also made a purchase from her showroom.

"But... I've noticed that you've been rather preoccupied lately, so I'm freeing you from this job," Isabella's words took Kelly by surprise, her jaw nearly dropping in disbelief.

"Are you firing me?" Kelly's voice trembled with disbelief, fearing the worst.

"Of course not, I'm simply suggesting that you quit and focus on your showroom. Even I had to leave a job before I became a successful entrepreneur," Isabella explained casually, her demeanor surprisingly supportive. Overwhelmed with emotion, Kelly instinctively embraced her boss.

"Thank you so much," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"You have ten seconds to end this emotional stuff."

After a long day at work, Kelly finally reunited with Ethan, their recent tension hanging thick in the air. The drive-thru at McDonald's provided a temporary reprieve, but Kelly's hopes for a satisfying meal were dashed yet again by the perpetually malfunctioning ice-cream machine. Ethan, opting for a bottle of water, observed Kelly's voracious appetite with disapproval. As she devoured her burger and fries with ravenous hunger, Ethan's frustration boiled over into a harsh rebuke.

"What is wrong with you, Kelly?" Ethan's sudden outburst caught Kelly off guard, her mouth still filled with food as she blinked in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" she managed to mumble through a mouthful of fries, taken aback by Ethan's unexpected criticism.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but I can't have you eating like a madman," Ethan's apology rang hollow as he voiced his true concern—Kelly's weight. His words cut through the air like a knife, leaving Kelly speechless and wounded.

"I don't want to be standing next to a fat potato on our wedding day," Ethan's callous remark pierced Kelly's heart. Anger simmered beneath the surface as Kelly struggled to process his shallow priorities.

"I haven't eaten good food in three days, and you're worried about how I look?" Kelly's voice trembled with a mixture of hurt and indignation, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"I want it to be the last time I see you eating like this," Ethan's tone softened, but his words only fueled Kelly's growing anger. With a swift motion, she removed her hand from his grasp, her resolve hardening with each passing second.

"Who the actual fuck do you think you are?" Kelly's voice rose with fury, her patience worn thin by Ethan's selfishness and cruelty. His arrogance struck a nerve, igniting a firestorm of pent-up frustration within her.

"How dare you yell at me? You are nothing without me," Ethan's words dripped with condescension, his sense of superiority pushing Kelly to her breaking point.

"Nothing?" Kelly's voice quivered with disbelief, her anger boiling over as she finally unleashed the words she had been holding back.

"You didn't even want me. I basically proposed to myself," With a defiant gesture, Kelly removed the ring from her finger and hurled it at Ethan. As she stormed out of the car, tears threatened to spill, but Kelly refused to let Ethan see her vulnerability.

"You will regret this, Kelly," Ethan's ominous warning echoed in her ears, but Kelly paid it no heed. She had finally found the strength to stand up for herself, and she wasn't about to back down now.

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