Chapter 05: Feigning Ignorance

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Here's another chapter for you all. And please guys, don't be silent. If you like it, vote and comment. It would really means alot to me.

Daniel's POV (Edited)

"So, why did you call me here?"

I asked Selene while pocketing my hands in my pants. Selene had messaged me few whiles back that she needed to meet me urgently. She asked me to meet at a nearby cafe and asked me to come quick. Worrying that it might be something important, I rushed up here.

Only to sit here waiting for her to continue. She's been chewing her nails and fidgeting with her fingers since the past five to ten minutes. It's kind of getting annoying but I kept my mouth shut. Selene is one of my close friends and I had promised her that I'll always be there for her whenever she needed me.

Although, there's a pang of guilt liberating inside my chest calling out at my previous act which I pulled. I felt so shameful that I left before even congratulating Dahlia. She was phenomenal in her shoot and true to say, I made an excuse.

I wasn't in the nearby. I just wanted to spend some alone time with her. The past differences has made us distant with each other. When we were anything but. I wanted to clear out the misunderstandings that might have taken place. But I never got the chance. Either she was really busy or me. No matter what, we never got the desired time to have a heart to heart conversation.

Today was the day, I had thought. But sadly, I had to leave. I noticed that she kept glancing in my direction after a few while. Will she be upset that I left? Or will she act like it doesn't matter? I shouldn't have left. But again, Selene never called for trivial reasons. I just need to make it up with Dahlia later.

Yeah that's it.

So, again facing Selene, I spoke

"C'mon, Selene. What's the matter?"

She finally took a long breath before opening her mouth

"So for the urgent matter I called you here for is...actually I need your advise on something."

I nodded my head. Selene gulped down the glass of water before she huffed a breath.

"So, as you know I have been working on a secret project since years."

I again nodded my head agreeing with her.

"The same project which you have been working on since the past one year."

Selene shook her head positive.

"Yeah, that one. I finally decided to put it out in the front."

"That's amazing news!"

I exclaimed couldn't help keeping in my happiness. For the past one year, Selene had been working on this secret project kinda thing which she kept hidden from everyone. Even from me. Irina and I tried many times to ask her what it was but she never said anything. Her only reply would be

"When the time will come, you will know by yourself."

I didn't pressurize afterwards because I had seen how much passionate she was on that.

"So, when did you decide that?"

I asked her probably because I was just curious. She had showed no signs of completing her project. She kept it in such secrecy. A red hue covered her cheeks before she answered

"Well, I have been thinking and decided that it might be great if I just announced it out. You know I would never know if people like my work if I don't show it, right?"

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