Chapter 06: Peaceful Sanctuary

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A very late update is here

Dahlia POV (Edited)

Thank God, today was an off day. I have been working constantly since the past couple of weeks. With the midnight memories almost coming to it's mid-part, it's getting hectic day by day. I have to be at the studio and at my work at the same time. It's been taking most of my time.

Well, almost all the time.

I haven't been able to work on other fashion shows and I had a contract with one of the fashion houses to be their show stopper. I had a fashion show right this week. So, no matter if I a got a weekend or not, I need to work one way or another.

But it's really fine. Been busy in work can keep my mind off of certain things. Whenever I'm busy in work, I made that work my all. I don't focus on anything else and it really helped me scurrying off the unwanted thoughts and feelings away. It helped me focusing on the thing that is more important.


Right now, it's already 9 in the morning. Since it's a Sunday, all my house chores had to be done. I'm not that person who would leave her house to the helpers or wouldn't take part in cleaning it. It's my house and it's my duty to clean it. So, wearing one of the most comfortable yet old clothes, I walked downstairs.

Its not a lie that being alone can bring all types of difficulties but it's got some advantages too. I can enjoy my own company without anyone interruptions or nosy attitudes. I can savour my own peaceful sanctuary.

As I made my way into the kitchen, I first started to prepare coffee and sandwich for breakfast. Then, I did the dishes and clean the countertop. After that, I sat down with my ipad right in front of me. I replied to the some of the unanswered emails and continued eating my breakfast.

My phone buzzed and as I checked it, I found my security guard calling. Picking up the phone, I asked

"Yes, Jeff?"

The guard's hard voice reached my ears

"Ma'am, there's a man with a bouqet of flowers. Can I let him in?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Who could it be?

"Yeah, let him in."

"I have checked him. He's not the papparrazi."

"Thanks, Jeff."

I stood up from the chair before I made my way towards the main door. I'm kind of puzzled as to who could it be. I usually don't have much guests or people at my house. It's always the papparrazi trying to pry off in my private life as usual.

As the doorbell rings, I waited for a few seconds before I opened the door. What greeted me was a giant set of bouqet filled with colorful flowers. The bouqet was so giant that it hid the identity of the person.

I rolled my eyes

"Daniel, that's some real sick way to introduce yourself."

At my comment, the bouqet was abruptly lifted off and I was eyed widened. Daniel was not standing infront of me. In fact, it was Dain. Daniel's younger brother that I didn't have the chance to meet at the anniversary part of my father and Aspen.

"Dain, what are you doing here?"

A gigantic smile appeared on Dain's face before he shoved himself in. I grabbed the bouqet of flowers from his hands before placing them on the table. He made himself comfortable on the chair before he tried to take a bite out of my sandwich.

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