serial killer (2)

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Next day, gukk woke up with a severe head ache. He look around and found himself in his room..gukk literally got a mini heart attack. He came home on drunken state and he don't remember anything.  He shook his head with a tensed face. He is praying to every god that tae shouldn't know about this. After freshen up he came down feeling hella fear. His head is piercing in pain. He saw jungkook arranging the dishes on the table while aera is helping him. Tae looking at his mobile with a straight face.

Gukie took a deep breath and sit on the dinning with a gulp. He didn't look up. Jk served them and settled beside tae, who took a spoonful of rice and placed it infront of jk who smiled a little and eat. Aera puffed her cheeks..

Au:: I really wanna marry aera..such a cutie..

After having breakfast, gukk is now standing infront of tae with a low head, aera is hugging jk feeling a heavy atmosphere.

Tae::I am not going to ask you why did you drink.. just be in limits. ( Gukk got shock ) one thing stop hanging out with those friends. ( Stern )

Gukk fist his hands, he took a deep breath..

Gk:: I.. can't appa. They are my friends, yo..u don't have any rights to stop me..I am a major ,its my life to choose who to talk or not... ( Hiding his fear )

Tae didn't speak further he just stood up and took his bag then left without looking back. Gukk didn't expect this.. definitely he didn't, he thought tae will shout at him, but he felt odd..why tae left just like that. He saw jk who have cold looks and left..jk really want to slap gukk.

Aera have tears in her eyes,

Ae:: oppa why did you talk like this to appa?? ( Angry )

Gukk bite his inner cheeks harshly..

Time skip::

Jk is waiting for tae to return with a worried face, tae didn't spoke that much to him today. He know guk words must affect him.

Jk gritted his teeth ,gukk didn't came till now. 

Gukk soon came inside in a drunken state. Jk slapped gukk who hold his cheeks,

Gukk::wh.o are you t.o slap me?? ( Drunk )

Jk drag gukk and make him stand in the shower, after few minutes jk wipe gukk hair who felt sleepy. Soon tae came inside with a unknown expression, jk hug him tightly. Tae hug back and nuzzle his face in jk crook of neck.

Jk:: tired hubby?? ( Soft )

Tae hummed and pull him very close,

Jk kiss tae head multiple times and stroke his hair. Jk serve him food and sit beside him.

Jk know tae have many things in his head,

Jk Cup tae face who look at him with a small smile.

Jk:: you know I am here for you right?? ( Soft )

Tae chuckled when he saw how jk lips juted out in sincerity and his doe eyes are soo big.

Tae:: you don't need to tell me baby because I know your always with me Sweet heart.

They both talked about gukk and any solution..

Next day::

The thing is today aera having a night study with her friends, so she got permission from taekook who accept it.

Today gukk is thinking about his appa who have zero emotions and how he didn't respond to gukk make him want to scream. He don't know why tae become soo silent..

Time skip::

Aera and her friend Lilly and some other friends studying, that's when aera and Lilly left to buy noodles at ten o clock. They are walking slowly, while Lilly talking about her ideal type while aera curiously looking at her. There is not that much house in that area, only few that too have many distance between them.

Lilly:: aera do you have any crush on someone? ( Eager )

Aera shook her head, but she look at Lilly face for some reason..

Lilly:: what's your ideal type?? ( Curious )

Aera:: my appa. ( Bunny smile )

Lilly cooed and pinch aera cheeks who blushed and look down.

Suddenly when they are crossing an old house, they heard a loud scream..they both flinched, Lilly securely hold aera in her embrace.

Aera felt a shiver when a man came out of the house with a covered face. He saw them and approach them, Lilly push aera back and stood infront of her.

That man crossed them and left, they both sighed while Lilly check aera.

They both walk fastly for some reason they felt someone following them.

When they are crossing the bridge there is no one, it was soo silent...

Lilly slowly turn back and saw one man wearing a black clothes holding a knife in his hand walking towards them it's the same man... Aera is soo panick, they both started to run but that man was soo fast, Lilly drag aera to an unknown house and rang the bell few times..they saw the man stopped few metre the middle Lilly lost her phone while aera didn't bring it with her. It's their fault they should bring a car atleast..

The door opened by a old man who is in his fiftees. That old man saw these two young ladies have a panick face.
He invite them in, while Lilly smelt a blood in the house, she hold aera hands tightly.. something is wrong..

Lilly:: it's okay grandpa, we are leaving. ( Sweet )

Suddenly that old man face changed and he pressed a button make his house locked.  Old man took a rod in his hands.

Aera started to shiver, Lilly look here and there and took out a warm water on the table and flash it on the old man face who scream, Lilly drag aera towards the door and try to open it..but they can't,..

Soon they run around the place but that old man searching for them.

Lilly found  balcony door was opened, they both escape from the house.there is not even a single mobile in the damn house.

They are in the place where no house seen. Lilly hug aera close to her chest and mumbling sweet things to her.

Ae:: crying )

Lilly cup aera face,

Lilly:: shh aera look at me.. don't panick ok, just few minutes we will reach our house. ( Aera was listening Lilly but soon someone hit Lilly head with a hammer )

Aera face was covered in blood, Lilly fall on the floor with a thud, Lilly head is bleeding,her sight is getting heavy.. before that man hit aera Lilly used her full force and pull the man leg make the man head hit on the nearby bench

Lilly:: r.un..( aera shook her head , he is the same man who followed them with a knife ) RU..N

Aera is crying badly, she hold Lilly tightly and try to lift her, while Lilly push aera with weak hand and cup her face with a bloody hands..

Lilly:: pl..ease run ae.ra..( Lilly peck aera lips who is crying badly ) pl.ease for m.e shout )

Lilly push aera and shout,...aera being stubborn she stood up and try to hit the man who slowly stood up with a hammer, that man hit aera leg make her scream..

But that man fall on the ground again because Lilly hit him with a rock. Lilly drag aera, both are running slowly one head is bleeding while another leg is closed to broken.

Lilly saw a small hideout she once again kiss aera and push her inside..aera scream is also not heard..Lilly covered the place and saw the man coming this side, she intentionally gain the man attention..

While aera fainted....

News:: a nineteen years old girl Lilly found dead brutally near the river. Her brain is Missing in her body..


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