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Heyy you, I think this is my best chapter so far. What do you think? Do let me know 😉.

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They motivate me to write more...




After a productive week of studying and making new friends, I eagerly anticipate some "me time" this weekend.

"I love weekends," I mumbled, stretching luxuriously on my bed.

Grabbing my phone, I dialled Deedee's number. She answered on the third ring, sounding sleepy.

"Hey Amna," Dee-dee greeted, her voice groggy with sleep.

"Good morning!" I chirped brightly.

"Don't burst my eardrums; it's still early, you know," she grumbled.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that," she shot back.

"I know. Bye, I'll call you later," I replied, ending the call.

Switching to WhatsApp, I checked for any messages and noticed one from an unknown number.

Unknown: Morning, Amna.

Me: Morning, who's this?

Unknown: Wanna guess?

Me: Just tell me, or I'm blocking you.

Unknown: Chill out, it's Fadil. (I quickly saved his number.)

Me: Oh, hey Fadil! Sorry, didn't recognize the number.

Fadil: No worries. So, let's chat, and get to know each other.

Me: Sure, why not? What do you want to know?

Fadil: Let's play 20 questions. You start.

Me: Alright, where are you from?

Fadil: Born and bred in the UK.

Me: Cool, I love this place.

Fadil: Yeah, it's home. So, any siblings?

Me: Two sisters; they drive me nuts.

Fadil: Ha-ha, that sounds familiar. I've got brothers; same deal. (I laughed at the similarity.)

Me: How old are you?

Fadil: I just turned 18. You?

Me: 17, always the baby among friends.

Fadil: You're funny.

Me: Thanks, I think. Anyway, gotta go.

Fadil: Hang on, wanna hang out sometime?

Me: Not my thing. But hey, there's a holiday tomorrow. We could meet for extra lessons at school.

Fadil: Sounds good, see you there?

Me: Yep, see you then. Bye!

I sprang out of bed, eager to start the day. After a refreshing shower, I applied moisturizer and dressed in a skirt and blouse. Although I preferred something more comfortable, it being Friday, I opted for traditional attire. The enticing aroma wafted through the air as soon as I opened my bedroom door. Ah, wonderful! Hurrying downstairs, I found Ummah in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Ummah," I greeted, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"The smell is divine," I exclaimed, taking in the delicious scent of Kosai and Kunu, my favourite breakfast.

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