Chapter: Silent Echoes of Yearning

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Anahita awoke to the relentless drumming of heavy rain against her window. As she stretched, a soft blush adorned her cheeks, remnants of the intimate encounter with the prince the night before. A subtle smile graced her lips at the memory of how close he had been, cupping her face, tracing her lips, and the almost-kiss that left her both flustered and intrigued. Lost in her reverie, she pondered whether the prince might harbour a growing fondness for her.

The tranquil morning was interrupted by Niloufar's greeting. "Good morning, my lady," Niloufar exclaimed, deftly throwing open the window shades. The room filled with the dim glow of dawn, accompanied by the persistent percussion of raindrops against the glass in the midst of the torrential downpour.

While Niloufar skilfully prepared a warm morning bath for Anahita, the princess soaked in the soothing water adorned with delicate rose petals. As the steam enveloped her, Niloufar shared the morning news she had learned from Lady Yoon – Crown Prince Joon and his men had been summoned on an urgent mission to a bordering town of Silla.

They were summoned due to reports of a brewing insurgency at the bordering town of Silla. Rumours of discontent among the local population had escalated into a potential rebellion, and urgent intervention was required to prevent further unrest. The mission involved assessing the situation, negotiating with local leaders, and implementing measures to quell the rising tensions, ensuring stability in the region. The urgency of the matter left little time for prolonged preparations, and Prince Joon had to embark on this challenging task without delay.

Unfortunately, specific information about the cause behind the insurgency remained elusive, leaving Anahita with a sense of uncertainty and concern for Prince Joon's well-being. The urgency of the situation and the lack of detailed information added an air of mystery to the mission, leaving Anahita to ponder the challenges that awaited the crown prince at the bordering town of Silla.

Anahita, while understanding the urgency of Prince Joon's mission, couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment for not having the chance to see him before his departure. The uncertainty of his return and the dangerous journey in the heavy rain added to her worries. As she gazed out of the window, she pondered the challenges that awaited the crown prince and the potential consequences of his absence, especially considering her strained relationship with the empress. The emptiness in her stomach mirrored the void left by the prince's departure, leaving Anahita in a state of concern and contemplation.

After her bath, Anahita opted for the comfort of a Persian robe instead of the traditional Korean hanbok dictated by the empress. Given the heavy rain outside, she decided against venturing out, feeling certain that she wouldn't be summoned for any official matters in such weather. The soft fabric of the robe offered a sense of familiarity and ease, a small act of rebellion against the rigid customs of the Korean court.

Lady Yoon entered the chamber bearing a splendid Korean breakfast, a feast for the senses. The table was adorned with an assortment of dishes – savoury jeon pancakes, delicate slices of pickled radish, a bowl of hearty juk rice porridge, and freshly brewed green tea. The vibrant colours and fragrant aromas filled the room as Anahita savoured each bite.

As Lady Yoon arranged the dishes, she gently addressed Princess Anahita, "You must have heard the news about Prince Joon's urgent departure." She offered words of reassurance, expressing hope that the prince would return before the scheduled wedding, minimizing any concerns Anahita might have harboured.

Lady Yoon, with a thoughtful demeanour, continued to speak to Anahita. "During the crown prince's absence, it's important for you to keep yourself occupied," she advised. Lady Yoon then detailed a schedule of activities, drawing inspiration from the customs and pastimes of female royalty in the Korean courts. Anahita's days were to be filled with traditional tea ceremonies, calligraphy sessions, and moments of relaxation in the palace gardens. Additionally, Lady Yoon mentioned occasional visits to the royal library and perhaps attending lessons on Korean court etiquette. The carefully curated list aimed to immerse Anahita in the cultural richness of her new surroundings.

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