Chapter: Journey to Tamna

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As the first rays of summer bathed the royal palace in warmth, Crown Prince Joon received a summons from the emperor. His mission: to oversee the crucial trade routes and address the escalating issue of pirates in the distant island of Tamna. The emperor, recognizing his son's capabilities, entrusted him with this significant responsibility.

As the weight of duty settled on Joon's shoulders, his thoughts turned to the delicate matter at home. The culprit who had poisoned Crown Princess Anahita remained elusive, and the prince's concern for her safety grew with each passing day. Faced with this dilemma, an idea took root in his mind—a solution that would allow him to fulfil his duties and protect his beloved simultaneously.

In a determined decision, Crown Prince Joon resolved to bring Crown Princess Anahita with him on this prolonged mission. The royal couple would face the challenges of Tamna together, their bond growing stronger amidst the uncertainties of the journey. The prince believed that having Anahita by his side would not only ensure her safety but also strengthen their connection as they faced the adventures that awaited them on the distant island. The royal entourage prepared for this journey; the ship set to sail carrying not only the prince's mission but also the unfolding chapters of their shared destiny.

As the news of Crown Prince Joon's decision reached the ears of Empress Han Soo-min, a wave of concern and frustration washed over her. She recognized the potential threat of Crown Princess Anahita becoming even more deeply intertwined with her son during this journey, and that was something she desperately wished to avoid. The physical distance would hinder her ability to manipulate situations and maintain control.

Under the guise of maternal concern, the empress approached her son, warning him about the perils of the journey for a pregnant princess. Her words were carefully chosen to plant seeds of doubt, suggesting that the dangers of travel might pose risks to both Anahita and the unborn child. However, the crafty empress failed to sway the determined prince.

Crown Prince Joon, seeking counsel from the palace physicians, learned that the early stage of Anahita's pregnancy actually made the journey less risky. His heart, already torn at the thought of being separated from his beloved, only strengthened his resolve. Anahita, in turn, pleaded with her husband to take her along, unable to bear the prospect of being apart. In response, the prince ordered the construction of a luxurious horse carriage, complete with the necessary accommodations for Anahita's comfort. He arranged for a dedicated young physician to accompany them, and Lady Yoon and Niloufar were enlisted to attend to the princess's every need during the upcoming expedition. The stage was set for their journey to Tamna, a pivotal chapter in their shared adventure.

Under the warmth of the early summer sun, Crown Prince Joon, Crown Princess Anahita, and their companions embarked on a journey towards the coastal town of Jinhae-gu, where a majestic turtle ship awaited them to take them to Tamna Island.

Princess Anahita, escorted by Lady Yoon and Niloufar, set forth on the expedition in a finely crafted carriage drawn by sturdy horses. Crown Prince Joon, displaying both prowess and devotion, took the reins himself, steering the carriage with a skilled hand. Seated beside him was the royal physician, ensuring the well-being of the precious cargo within. The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves was accompanied by the synchronized movement of royal guards on horseback, forming a protective entourage both ahead and behind the carriage.

The journey stretched across lush landscapes and picturesque valleys, a scenic route that would unfold over the course of 7-10 days. The air was filled with the invigorating scents of blooming flowers as the regal procession traversed through verdant landscapes, shaded by lush trees and vibrant foliage.

As the royal entourage embarked on their journey from Gyeongju to Jinhae-gu, unbeknownst to them, a sinister plot was unfolding in the shadows. Empress Han Soo-min, driven by her relentless desire to thwart the prophecy and eliminate Princess Anahita, had clandestinely conspired with a group of ruthless bandits. The empress, shrouded in secrecy, had orchestrated a treacherous plan to attack the regal procession during their travels.

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