Chapter: Bitter Tides of Envy

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As autumn descended upon Tamna Island, a chilling wind carried with it an unexpected visitor to the Tamna Residence. Lady Mi-Yeon, accompanied by her loyal maid and two royal guards, appeared unannounced, catching the royal couple off guard. Dressed in layers of luxurious silks, she claimed to be suffering from melancholy in Gyeongju, especially with her father confined behind bars. The empress, she explained, had suggested a scenic vacation on Tamna Island, under the protective wing of Prince Joon.

In reality, this seemingly innocent visit harboured ulterior motives, carefully woven by the Empress and Lady Mi-Yeon. Their calculated plan aimed to exploit Mi-Yeon's presence as a catalyst for potential discord between the young couple. The Empress, ever scheming, believed that the addition of Lady Mi-Yeon to the Tamna Residence would act as a disruptive force, sowing seeds of tension and mistrust within the once serene walls. As Lady Mi-Yeon settled into the residence, unaware of the intentions that orchestrated her presence, the Tamna Island's autumn breeze carried with it an air of uncertainty and tension.

In the quietude of Tamna Residence, the royal couple welcomed Lady Mi-Yeon with open arms, eager to be gracious hosts despite her unannounced arrival. They prepared a chamber for her, ensuring her comfort during her stay. However, Lady Mi-Yeon's demeanour soon revealed a less-than-grateful guest.

As the weeks unfolded, her demanding nature surfaced. She relentlessly ordered Princess Anahita, Lady Yoon, and Niloufar around, showing little regard for their roles or the challenges the princess faced with her advancing pregnancy. Lady Mi-Yeon took pleasure in exploiting any opportunity to belittle Anahita, dismissing her role within the residence, and emphasizing her own importance.

Lady Mi-Yeon's bullying of Princess Anahita manifested in various demeaning ways. She mocked Anahita's accent, mimicking her speech in a derogatory manner, intentionally highlighting their differences. She used derogatory names and made condescending remarks about Anahita's background and status.

Lady Mi-Yeon's demands and spoiled demeanour created an atmosphere of discomfort within Tamna Residence. She ordered Princess Anahita around, commanding her to fetch items at odd hours, rearrange furniture to her liking, and attend to trivial matters that belittled the princess's royal status. Lady Mi-Yeon complained about the food, insisting on personalized meals that disrupted the kitchen routine. She criticized the softness of her bed linens, making unreasonable requests for replacements. Even the creaks of the wooden floors were not spared from her constant displeasure. Her complaints extended to the weather, and she frequently expressed boredom, expecting the entire household to cater to her whims. In her presence, Anahita faced not only the challenges of her pregnancy but also the relentless demands of an unwelcome guest, testing her patience and resilience.

During interactions with the staff, Lady Mi-Yeon purposefully undermined Anahita's authority, creating a hostile environment. She would often interrupt or contradict Anahita's instructions, causing confusion and frustration.

This behaviour escalated in the absence of Prince Joon, who was dedicatedly occupied with naval matters. Lady Mi-Yeon exploited the moments when Prince Joon was occupied with his duties, ensuring her bullying tactics occurred when he was less likely to intervene.

When he returned to the residence, Lady Mi-Yeon's demeanour shifted. She became overly attached to the prince, seeking his constant attention, and attempting to flirt with him, all while ignoring or belittling Anahita. This unwelcome attention created a tense atmosphere. The calculated behaviour was aimed to create a rift between the royal couple, sowing seeds of discord testing Anahita's patience and challenging the harmony of Tamna Residence.

Even during the nights, Lady Mi-Yeon disrupted the peace, knocking on the royal couple's chamber with various excuses. From nightmares to feigned fears, she intruded incessantly, making unreasonable demands that strained the patience of the exhausted princess. The struggle between courtesy and irritation began to define their interactions, adding a layer of tension to the tranquil island life.

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