Chapter 1

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Nova Rijn

I was standing in front of the mirror in my new room, my brown hair reaching just beyond my shoulders. The brown was almost red, making it look like the color of leaves in the fall. My fiery brown eyes matched the rest of my appearance perfectly: my skin wasn't pale but it wasn't tan either. My nose wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. Even my height: I wasn't tall but I wasn't short either. I was always right in between everything. My curves were exactly right, even though I didn't agree with that. I could already hear my mother say: 'Nova, you have a beautiful body! Be proud of it!'

I looked over my outfit once more, to be sure that I could go to my first day of school like this. We had just moved in, because my mother had gotten a job offer that paid much better than her old job. She had said yes without really thinking about it.

And that's how we suddenly had to pack our bags and started living here just five days later. Jesse, my brother, had been furious. My little sister Sara on the other hand had been fine with it. But what did you expect from a five-year-old? If my mother told her that it would be fun, Sara would like it no matter what.

"Nova, hurry up!" Jesse yelled from downstairs. I quickly glanced at the mirror again to see if my clothes looked right. Black jeans with holes in them, a white t-shirt that said 'Fuck Off' and my brown hair loose.

Jesse and I had to ride to school together, since he could drive and I couldn't. We both attended the same high school, which was pretty convenient.

I grabbed my black backpack off the ground and swung it over my shoulder before walking out of my room and going downstairs, where Jesse was already waiting for me, annoyed.

"Finally!" he sighed while dragging me out of the front door. He unlocked the car and gestured for me to get in.


I stuffed my books in the locker of which I had just retrieved the key, together with my schedule. My first period was math. Great. I could tell you one thing about math: it didn't go well together with me. After math I had English and then physics. After all that misery there'd be a well-deserved lunch break.

I grabbed the books that I needed and put them in my bag. With a bang I closed my locker and walked towards my classroom. At least, I attempted to.

I wandered the hallways without even getting closer to the classroom I was supposed to be in. It felt like the numbers kept changing, making it impossible for me to find my classroom. I finally started to understand the way they numbered the classrooms and found my classroom.

But I didn't go in. A short distance away was a group of guys. I had to admit that they looked really intimidating, with their heights and muscles. They looked like Jesse's age. I wanted to walk into my class, but I suddenly noticed that they were holding someone. The strongest and scariest guy from the group was holding another boy by his collar.

He had him pushed against the wall and the boy's feet were dangling in the air, while the other guys were laughing loudly.

The boy they had pushed against the wall looked terrified. His tanned face was pale. For a moment I just stood there, unsure of what to do. Should I leave the poor boy to his fate, or should I help him? I chose the dumbest of the two options and walked towards the group.

"Hey, you there!" I shouted and waved my arm in the air.

It might not have been the cleverest plan, but that's me. Not clever. Surprised, all five of them turned around. The three guys that had been laughing a few seconds ago fell silent and looked at the blonde guy. The blonde turned around but still didn't let go of the poor boy. Some blood ran from his nose

and his face was starting to show a nasty bruise.

"Very tough!" I shouted as I neared them. When I stood in front of them my heart started pounding faster and I felt the adrenaline flow through my veins.

But I was determined to help the boy, no matter how dangerous the group seemed. The blonde guy started laughing.

"Just let him go." I calmly said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world. As if we were talking about the weather.

The guys all looked at me with a surprised expression. "Am I speaking Chinese or something?" I asked, irritated when they didn't react. None of them moved and they just stared at me with big eyes.

For a moment I thought that maybe I had something stuck in my teeth, but I quickly shook that though from my mind.

"Girl, listen closely." One of the guys started. He also had blonde hair, only a little darker than the one holding the boy. His brown eyes were vicious and surprised. "Just go to your class and let us handle this." he grinned maliciously and the other guys laughed.

"Or you let him go and go to class yourselves." I retorted with a fake smile. For a moment I was surprised at my own reaction. Had I really said that?

I angrily looked at the guy with the dirty blonde hair. My eyes turned big when I heard a faint sound and a groan and I turned around.

The boy was lying on the ground. The dude that had just held him started laughing loudly. The group imitated him. I looked at the boy on the ground.

He looked a little bit like me, with brown hair and brown eyes. The difference was that his hair was browner than mine and his eyes were very dark, almost black. Tears formed in his eyes, but he was fighting to keep them from falling.

I crouched next to him, ignoring the group of guys around me.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. He closed his eyes and nodded.

We stayed like that, him with his eyes closed and me crouching next to him. The laughter died away and the group of guys had left.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. As soon as I made the sound, the boy opened his eyes and looked around, relieved that the guys were gone.

I stood up and reached out my hand to him. He grabbed it and I pulled him up.

When he was standing in front of me I noticed how skinny he was. His arms were muscled, but very skinny. The same could be said about his legs. He wasn't tall either, about the same height as me.

"I'm Nova." I said in a friendly voice.

"Puck," he mumbled back. I tried to hide my surprise, but I didn't succeed. The boy forced a small smile on his injured face.

"I know, it's not a boy's name." he said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well." I replied and shrugged. What did it matter what someone's name was? A boy could be named Puck, in my opinion.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. Puck nodded.

"Thanks." He said, slightly embarrassed. His cheeks turned red.

"No problem." I said. Although, it could become a problem. I shook the thought from my mind. So what? Were they going to bully me? I had endured it at my old school for years, so I could take it. People couldn't get me down.

"Your nose is still bleeding." I pointed to his nose. He shrugged.

"I'm used to it."


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