Chapter 15

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Nova Rijn

The laughter died down and Jacob looked at Puck and I with raised eyebrows, not understanding why we had been laughing.

"Sorry, Alpha Jake-" an unknown voice said. The door had opened and a man was now standing in the room. He looked around 26 or 27, but the exhaustion on his face made him look older.

"What?" Jacob growled, not happy that someone had walked in.

But before anyone could answer, I spoke up.

"Okay, now that everything is cleared up, can I finally go home?"

At those words Jacob's eyes immediately turned dark brown and a low growl vibrated through his chest. Puck looked like he was about to interfere, something I felt he should have done a long time ago. But before Puck or I realized what was happening, it was already too late.

Alpha Jeffrey, who also turned out to be Sean's father, came storming in and his face looked like he was about to murder someone.

Oh, boy.

Puck took a step backwards and bowed his head, causing the other men who had come in with Jeffrey to snicker. Jacob had stood up and placed me behind him. I didn't want that, so I pulled my wrist away from his firm grasp.

Something I probably shouldn't have done.

Jacob started growling and my heart started beating ten times faster. Jeffrey then growled at Jacob and that's when everything went wrong.

"Take her, leave him to me."

He was referring to Jacob and I.

Jacob started growling even more and Puck shuffled backwards, regret in his eyes when he looked at me.

Two men violently grabbed my shoulders and dragged me out of the room. I let out a soft yelp, since they weren't very gentle about it.

It felt like they were crushing my shoulder.

"Don't touch her!" Jacob shouted, but I didn't wince this time. It caused warm tingled to shoot through my body. An unknown desire to run over to him and let him protect me washed over me. I would have done it, but I couldn't.

One of the two men pushed me forward, and then pulled me back again by my hair.

"Dude, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The words had left my mouth before I could stop it. Good going, Nova.

There would come a time when my big mouth would be the death of me. After saying those words, I lost sight of my surroundings and I was covered in darkness.


I opened my eyes and I felt like I had been gone for years. I had no idea where I was, or how I got there.

All I knew was that it reeked.

I swallowed and the sick feeling of fear settled in my stomach. My face was pounding and my stomach hurt.

And then my stomach rumbled with hunger.

Wow, Nova. Even in a situation like this, you were still hungry.

I tried to blink away the tears that had formed in my eyes, but it didn't help.

They slowly rolled down my cheeks and I wanted to wipe them away, but I couldn't. My wrists were cuffed, just like my ankles.

I let out a series of cuss words while my tears kept my cheeks damp.

"God damn it!" I said and started rattling the cuffs. I probably looked like one of those people in the movies, who kept rattling their cuffs like crazy.

"Ah, you're awake."

I looked around, startled, but I didn't see anyone else. All I could see was an empty cell with me in it and a deserted hallway.

"Stick that 'ah' in your ass," I mumbled, not knowing that the other person had actually heard me.

"I'd rather not."

I sighed and looked around once more. But I saw nothing, yet again.

"You can look around all you want, but you won't find me."

I just knew that the person who had spoken was grinning.

"You're lucky I won't find you," I shot back. I was so done with that I was stuck in a cell, God only knows where.

Was I that big of a threat?

Because the last time I checked, I was the only human surrounded by wolves, not the other way around.

"I understand why my mother linked you to Alpha Jake now." The voice chuckled.

I let out a deep sigh. What the hell did that even mean?

"I am Filius."


After I had introduced myself to the unknown voice, a breathtakingly handsome man entered my cell.

He couldn't be compared to Jacob, of course, but he was far from ugly. His very light blonde hair was combed back. His ice blue eyes looked into mine with amusement.

He stepped through the cell door. Fucking through them!

"W-what?!" I managed to get out while staring at him in disbelief. Filius just grinned and shrugged.

"That's one of the perks of being the son of the Moon Goddess."

My eyes became even bigger. Was he serious?


"Can you say anything besides 'what'?" Filius asked, slightly irritated. He walked over to me.

"Nova, I am here to help you. So I think you should do something about your behavior."

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry, Filius."

"I'm always right." He winked before breaking my cuffs with a simple flick of his wrist. As soon as the cuffs were gone I jumped up with a little help of Filius: naturally, I lost my balance.

"Nova, it's important that you listen to me very carefully." Filius started. All the amusement was gone from his eyes and he was dead serious.

"We don't have much time, so we have to hurry."

His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin