Chapter 7

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Nova Rijn

My peaceful night's rest was interrupted by my alarm clock. Those damn school hours! Why couldn't school start at 10 am? Why at goddamn 8:10 am? What idiot thought that was a good idea? Groaning, I pushed myself out of bed and let out an exhausted sigh while I hobbled towards the shower. I somehow managed not to trip or bump into anything when I reached the bathroom. World wonder eight: me not hurting myself.

I pushed the door open and started undressing myself. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open.

This was going to be a long day.

I sighed again and turned on the shower. I got in and let the warm water stream over my body. My eyes kept closing and I listened to the water drops hit the ground.

Puck had read Sara many more stories last night and that's why he left pretty late. Not too late of course, but I couldn't sleep last night. I hadn't fallen asleep until after twelve. That would've been fine had it been the weekend, but on a weekday it wasn't fun. I was not a morning person and I needed my sleep.


The voice made me open my eyes and I turned the shower off.

"Sorry." I mumbled to my mother, who was waiting on the other side the door.

I quickly dried myself off, wrapped a towel around my head and one around my body. I opened the bathroom door and walked back to my room. The shower had woken me up and I felt completely refreshed.

I opened my drawers and got out a set of underwear. I let the towel slide off of my body and out the underwear on. I opened my top drawer and looked at the shirts I owned. Hmmm... a dark blue T-shirt or a grey sweater?

I grabbed the sweater and opened the drawer that contained my jeans. I grabbed the one on top. Light blue jeans. When I had my clothes on, I took the towel off of my head and weaved my hand through my wet hair. I walked around my room looking for a brush. Did it get legs or something?

"Damn brush..." I mumbled. After walking a few laps around my room I finally found the brush. I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I then applied a little make-up: only some mascara. I wasn't one of those girls that seemed to think her face was a canvas.

"Nova, can't you ever be on time!?" Jesse shouted.

Shit, was it already time to leave? I looked at my clock and sure enough: it looked like I couldn't eat breakfast, yet again. I quickly stuffed the books I needed into my bag and ran downstairs.

"Sorry, sorry..." I kept repeating to Jesse while I hurriedly put on my shoes and coat. I ran into the kitchen to grab an apple, so I could eat it in the car.


"Bye, Jes." I quickly gave Jesse a peck on the cheek and then sprinted out of the car.

I was really late, but it wasn't completely my fault this time. Sure, I had been a little late getting up and dressing, but it wasn't my fault that the stupid car wouldn't start. The engine wouldn't start and I had told Jesse that I could walk, but he was sure that the car would start any moment. He was right, but that was after twenty minutes. Now we were both late. I ran over the empty schoolyard with the half-eaten apple still in my hand. Damn, where do I go?

It was only my second day at this school and I was already late a lot. Good going, Nova! I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I slowly walked through the hallways while I was getting stressed, trying to find what class I had and where on my phone. Great, Spanish: my favorite subject. And especially grammar, totally my thing. I had developed my own grammar rules over the years and I always applied them. It's not my fault that the questions don't match my answers. Of course, I had to walk all the way upstairs. Those damn stairs. Breathing heavily, I reached the highest floor and quickly walked to the classroom. I knocked on the door and opened it.

His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now