Chapter 22

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Jacob Light

The steady breathing of my sleeping mate calmed my wolf.

'So beautiful, and all ours.' He growled possessively and all I could do was smile broadly.

My mother was also driving with a big smile on her face. We were driving Nova home, since my mother did have a fair point about her parents probably being worried.

"We're here." My mother whispered and stopped the car.

I immediately opened the door and climbed out. I walked over to the other side, to a sleeping Nova. I gently picked her up and lifted her out of the car.

"Hmmm..." she mumbled in her sleep and nestled against my chest. A surge of pride flowed through me and with confident strides I walked the path to her house.

Ary followed close behind but then walked in front of us to ring the bell.

But almost immediately the door was flung open and a blonde woman was standing in the doorway, probably in her forties.

She looked surprised to see us but then her eyes turned big when she saw her daughter in my arms.

"Nova!" she shouted in relief and just barely managed not to cry.

"Good evening." My mother said and smiled at Nova's mother.

"Oh sorry. Please come- please come in," she gestured for us to get inside, but her eyes never left Nova's sleeping body.


I had laid Nova in her bed without waking her up and was now sitting on the couch in Mary's living room with my mother.

Awkward was probably the best word to describe the situation, especially since Mary seemed to be too nice to the two strangers who had shown up at the doorstep with her daughter.

"Here's your tea," Mary said when she walked into the living room with a tray that carried three steaming mugs.

"Thank you, Mary." My mother smiled when she accepted her cup.

"No problem, no problem." Mary said and also sat down on the couch, after handing me my cup.

"I really should thank you," Mary started and took a sip of her tea. "For bringing home my daughter."

"But of course-" my mother said but was soon interrupted by Mary.

"But where was she? How do you know Nova? What was she doing at you-"

"My name is Jacob Light. Nova is my girlfriend and she was with me."

I interrupted Mary. She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Nova's phone had died, so she couldn't text you that she was staying over at my place."

"Jacob, if that's even you real name," Mary said and squinted her eyes. "I know my daughter and she would try to find a way to let me know no matter what. So if you don't tell me the truth right now, the police will be here in five minutes to arrest you for kidnapping."

I looked at the woman in shock. I had not seen that coming. Not that I was scared, since the police department consisted of werewolves.

Although, one of them had taken away my most treasured person on the planet, and seeing from the injuries on Nova's body, they hadn't treated her very gently.

"You have one minute, mister."


Nova Rijn

Nova, you don't have much time.

Nova, wake up.

War, danger.


"Ah! Jacob!" I automatically shouted, and I felt like I couldn't live without him. Something that I knew was true.

I was awake immediately and looked around in confusion.

Where was I?

And more importantly, where was Jacob?

Panic and fear started increasing and to be honest, I had ever been so scared.

"Jacob?" I softly whispered to myself and pulled my knees against my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I started moving back and forth like that while the tears streamed down my face.

The images in the dream had been so real.

So terrifying.

Loud footsteps were nearing and the door flew wide open.

"Jacob," I sobbed through my tears.

"Oh, babe..." He mumbled and sat down on my bed. He took me in his arms and crawled under the blanket. I did the same.

As soon as I was lying against him I turned so I could look at him.

"Nothing will happen to you, Beautiful." He whispered and wiped some tears from my face.

I shivered and closed my eyes, hoping that the images that kept going through my head would disappear.

Crying women.

Bodies, ripped apart and decapitated, spread over a wide clearing.

Blood everywhere.

"Beautiful? Nova!"

I quickly opened my eyes and noticed that silent tears had started streaming down my face again.

"S-sorry." I stuttered and cast my eyes down, embarrassed. He was probably bummed out to have me for a mate.

Would he trade me for someone else?

My heart broke into tiny pieces at the thought. Would he? Despite his words from earlier?

"Nova, what are you thinking about?" Jacob softly asked.

I looked up and saw that Jacob had his eyes closed and his chest was moving up and down steadily. He seemed to be waiting for my answer.

"Uhm- I-I, uhm," I brought out before trying to get away from Jacob's steely grip.

Jacob softly growled.

"Don't do that; you're mine!"

"A-are you sure?"

"Very sure. You're mine and no one else's. No one else can touch or even look at you but me."

To be honest: his possessiveness was kind of a turn-on.



"I love you." He started. "And that's why I'm asking for your permission."

"Uhm, Jacob?" I asked unsure, not understanding what he meant. What was he asking permission for?

"Nova, can I mark you?"

"Yes," I whispered nervously, not sure of my case.

What if he suddenly changed his mind?

What if it hurts?

Countless scenarios played in my mind, in which the Marking had all but a good ending.

Jacob let go of my waist and hovered above me three seconds later. His eyes were almost as black as the darkness of the room.

"So gorgeous..." he mumbled before lowering himself and placing kisses all over my jaw. He slowly made his way to my neck, and lower, until he reached my collarbone.

"Nova," he growled playfully, causing a rush of excitement to flow through my body.

"It will hurt for a few seconds," Jacob said almost inaudibly, but before I had the chance to react to his words, I felt his teeth sink into my skin.

His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now