Chapter 19

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Nova Rijn

I swallowed when I opened my eyes again, but I immediately closed them. There wasn't a bright light blinding me, but a worried face from none other than 'Alpha' Jacob. There were only a few centimeters between our faces, and it was pretty scary to wake up like that.

"Beautiful, thank god, I thought I-"

I didn't let him finish, but automatically laid my finger against his lips; his very kissable lips.

Jacob chuckled softly and lay down on the bed I was lying on.

"Where am I?" was the first question that came to mind.

"My house." Jacob answered and he sounded a bit nervous.

"Oh, but-"

Jacob didn't let me finish, but he used a different method to silence me. Tingled were burning on my lips while my hormones were raging like crazy.

A suppressed groan escaped my mouth, causing my cheeks to burn red and I pulled back. I stared at him with big eyes, but I didn't look away.

I wasn't embarrassed about sharing my first kiss with a very handsome guy.

I was more embarrassed about the fact that I had groaned.


His beautiful, blue eyes were now dark with an emotion that I could only describe as lust. His dark hair was messy. Had I gone up in the moment so much that I had done that?


"Huh, what?"

Jacob rolled his eyes and gave me a look that said 'seriously'?

"Nova, I asked how you were. How do you feel?"

"Oh, I feel fine." I grinned at him with a playful smile. Jacob also seemed to think it was amusing and laughed. Not overdramatic: a genuine laugh.

"Oh sweetie, you're finally awake!"

A woman stormed into the room and excitedly clapped in her hands. A man followed her. A big smile was on her face and her eyes twinkled with happiness.

I looked at Jacob in surprise. Had he also been unconscious?

The woman was wearing her black hair in a bun. She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back with a surprised expression.

The man, also with black hair, walked into the room.

"Come on, Ary, you'll chase her away." He tried pulling his wife away so there would be a reasonable amount of distance between us.

"Don't 'Ary' me! That's my daughter in law!" she growled. But she apologized two seconds later.

"Sorry, sweetie. I have just waited so long for the day that Jakeypakey would finally find his mate."

"Mom," Jacob groaned embarrassed and his cheeks slightly colored.

"Ary, how about we go downstairs so this young lady can properly wake up? She can join us for dinner later." The man, Bernus, interjected.

"I think that's a good idea," I mumbled and looked at Bernus thankfully.

Ary and Bernus left the room again, leaving me alone with Jacob.

"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom." He said and stood up. He reached out his hand for me and I took it.


His Human Mate | English Version | CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon