Chapter Three: Trepidation

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Chapter 3

 I stared at the pictures in Anthony's photo album he was now showing me. He sat on the side of my bed, right next to me. Some were pictures of him and his family, some with the doctors and nurses, but most were with Nate. I laughed as I flipped the page, now laying eyes on the new picture in front of me. It was with Nate and Anthony when he took him to a Yankees baseball game. I could tell by the stadium. Their smiles were wide, as Nate had Anthony wrapped in a headlock.

 "You like the Yankees?" I asked.

 "Who doesn't?" He smiled.

 "I wouldn't know. I'm not really much of a baseball person, or any sports for that matter."

 Anthony shrugged, "Well, when I'm playing for the Yankees on their team, you'll have to start watching baseball. So you can cheer me on." 

 "If you were playing, I would never miss out on watching a game," I said.

 His grin grew larger, and we both turned our heads to the sound of the door opening.

 "What's up?" asked Nate as he entered in the room.

Anthony was first to speak. "Nothing, really. I am just stealing your girl away with my good looks. You better watch out." Anthony winked at me. I laughed, he was so cute.

 "Looks like I've got some major competition. But I give up, Anthony. I could never win against you. She's all yours." Nate joked. We all laughed, while Anthony actually considered the idea.

 Nate continued on, changing the subject. "The nurse wanted to see you, Anthony. She said something about a shot."

 Anthony groaned. "Another shot?"

 Nate nodded, answering his question. He patted Anthony on the back, as he trudged his feet out of the room, his head hanging low. "You'll be fine," Nate said to him, encouragingly. Anthony held up a thumbs-up with his small little fist, before leaving entirely.

I stared at Nate, wondering what it was about him that was so great. I didn't notice I was gawking until Nate started to smile, "What?" he asked, skeptical. 

 "I thought you said you didn't get close to your patients," I asked accusingly, thinking of something to quickly cover up my actual thoughts.

 Nate took the photo album out of hands, and scanned through the pictures, smiling. He laughed at some of them and said, "I remember this day! This was years ago!" 

 After he looked through all of the pictures, he addressed my question. "I wasn't correct when I said I don't get close. I try not to get close. Sometimes you just can't help it. Besides, Anthony's been here long enough to not know a lot about him." 

 "He's so funny," I commented. "But I would have mistaken you as a brother to him much rather then his nurse."

 "I consider him a brother. I've known him for about three years now, ever since he was first diagnosed with cancer. I just feel so bad for him. He goes through a lot," Nate said, sympathetically.

 "Do you worry about his....future?" I didn't want to exactly ask if he was concerned about Anthony dying, but he knew that was what I had implied.

 Nate just shook his head, unbothered by the question. "He's a tough kid. He'll hang on as long as possible."

It was quiet for a couple minutes. Nate flipped through the rest of the pictures, chuckling at a few of them with stupid faces. After he got to the last picture he closed the red photo album, and stood up from his chair.

 "Well I've got to go give some medication to a few more patients. Sometimes I forget this is actually a job," He stood up, leaving the room.

 Once he left, I decided I really needed a shower. I had lost count of how long it had been since I had taken one last, but I knew it had to be at least over four days. That was just disgusting. I called a nurse in, and she was more than helpful. She helped me walk to the shower, and instructed me on how to shower with a cast on. It was definitely not easy. She left after to give me some privacy.

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