Chapter Thirteen: The Worst Sickness

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Chapter 13

I was scared, and not for myself anymore like I used to be. It was worse that I didn't have anyone to talk to anymore, or at least that's how I felt. My friends were gone and my mom was gone, while my dad was across the country. 

There was one person though. Nate was always there. In fact, he never left. 

My problems were nothing compared to Anthony's. He was still doing his chemotherapy treatments, and this week he wasn't looking so good. Lizzie started around the same time as him too. They were both in a horrible condition. It seemed Anthony was throwing up within every hour. Lizzie was doing the exact same. The prank war had been put on hold. 

I laughed at what Anthony said earlier, referring to his "relationship" with Lizzie. "We have more in common than we thought," he stated, as both were continuously throwing up in two plastic buckets. 

Anthony was a good sport about everything. I never heard complaints from him. I imagined by now he was probably used to this whole process and was accustomed to living with it. Lizzie on the other hand, was the exact opposite. When she didn't feel good, she let everyone know it. Currently, she was sitting on the couch in our room, moaning about her stomach. I advised her to go get some sleep, but she quickly denied.

"Being around other people keeps my mind off how much everything else hurts," She explained to me. I could understand her point of view on that.

"I wish I could do anything to help," I offered, "You both look awful."

She smiled, "It's fine. Your company is enough for me."

Nate had been in and out all day. Since Lizzie and Anthony were both very sick today, he was mostly helping them with the things they needed. Even though he didn't give me one bit of attention or even a glance, I know other people deserved and needed him more, so it was fine for me.

I expected today to be another day full of pranks until I woke up and found Anthony paler than usual, and his arm clasped around his stomach, gagging. I was a little disappointed. Another gloomy day was another boring day.

I got to officially meet Anthony's mom though, which was pleasant.

"Hi, I'm Annemarie," She introduced herself, as she came in to the hospital earlier. She was young, I could tell. Maybe early twenties or thirties. Most likely too young to go through such a horrible process with Anthony. Too young to deserve it, not that there was an age limit to deserve it. 

She resembled Anthony's facial appearance so much though. She wasn't beautiful, but she was cute just like him, with a smal, petite frame. She had cropped blonde hair that framed her heart-shaped face with light freckles plastered her cheeks. The best gene Anthony inherited from her were the dimples when they smiled. I would give anything to have those.

"I'm Charlie Clark. Nice to finally meet you," I had introduced myself to her as well. 

"Yes, it is. When Anthony comes home, he never stops talking about his hospital friends. You, Nate, and Lizzie are a common topic. I'm so grateful he has friends like you here. He doesn't have many other friends besides you guys." She said, smiling.

"Really? That is actually surprising. Anthony is so outgoing though!" 

She shrugged, "Well there is no one his age to play with in the neighborhood, and he hasn't been going to any elementary schools. There is really no one to try and make friends with him. And he is an only child, I'm sure you know, so you guys are basically all he has."

"Well, your son is quite the catch. I don't know what I would do without him either. I would certainly be bored!"

She laughed, "I just hope he doesn't annoy you all too much. I can see why he barely ever wants to come home from the hospital. You would think he would want to, but he just...doesn't." 

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