Chapter Fourteen: Good and Bad

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-Chapter 14

The next morning, I was woken up once again, this time by Nate And not to mention way too early: Approximately 6:32 am. I could probably get used to it, even though I was incredibly annoyed at the time.

"Hey, wake up!" he said, while his hands were on my shoulders, jiggling me awake.

I groaned, and tried to push him off, "What now?"

"Nothing," he said nonchalantly.

"Well then why are you waking me up so early?"

He smiled, "Because I was bored, and I wanted someone to talk to."

"Don't you have a job to do?" I asked, not feeling eager to wake up just yet. 

He shrugged, "Nope. I've checked up on everyone twice now." 

I rolled over to my other side, "Then go talk to Anthony."

"Yes, there is always that option. But talking endlessly about baseball teams, cards, players, etc. is almost just as boring as not talking to anyone at all." 

"That's true..." I agreed.

"And besides, he's with Lizzie somewhere."

"This early?" I asked.

"Guess so." 

"How is she feeling?" I said, now actually curious. I had hoped for Anthony's sake she was getting better.

"I honestly don't know. I guess I could go down to the other hallway and check on her." 

I laughed, "Yes! Go! She needs you!" Not that I wanted him to leave or anything, but at least I could get a little more sleep in.

He smiled, "Don't sound too excited. I'm coming back after."

He left the room, turning left to go to the cancer ward of the hospital. I closed my eyes, and settled back down in to the blankets. He returned sooner than I had expected.

"I'm back!" He announced, smiling.

I laughed, "Obviously."

He rolled his eyes and went over to the couch. He laid down on it, his legs strewn over the side of it. His hands were behind his head. It was the most unprofessional I had seen him look since the day I had met him.

"So how is Lizzie doing?" I wondered.

"Still the same."

"Aren't you worried at all?"

"I told you, I never worry."

"But Lizzie's different then just any other patient."

"I guess so. I'm still not going to worry. That's just a waste of time." He explained.

"I'm worrying!"

"Yeah, you kind of do that a lot," Nate smirked.

"And speaking of worry-"

"That would be my cue to leave," He laughed, before swinging his legs back over to the right side and sitting up.

"Can I at least talk to my dad about it?"

He smiled, "You don't need my permission."

"But I do need a number."

"Oh, right. Here," He handed me the folder from the first day I met him. I flipped through the pages, looking for his number. Once I found it, I dialed it in to my cell phone. I still couldn't believe I hadn't remembered it. It was tedious details like that that had slipped my mind. 

I waited a few seconds while there was ringing on the line. It eventually stopped and went to his voicemail. I sighed, closing the phone shut. "He didn't answer."

Nate smirked, "That's too bad. I guess now you will never know what's going on."

"You're a jerk, you know that?" 

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