Chapter Nineteen: Fundings

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Chapter 19

A/N: Check out this AWESOME banner RandomRawr made me! --------------------> 


"So, who is this a picture of?" I asked, holding up a small black picture frame that had been on a coffee table. Surprisingly Nate hadn't grown annoyed of my many questions. I had known Nate for a long time now, but I had never seen this side of him before. I couldn't help myself if I was being just a little curious. 

 He smiled, and took in his hands the picture I was holding, "That's my little brother," he answered, "He's three years younger than me." 

"You never told me you had a brother," I commented, realizing he had left out that detail in his life until now, "How come you never talk about him?" 

He shrugged, "He's in the military, so I barely ever even see him or talk to him myself. The last time he called me was two Christmases ago." 

"What's his name?" I asked, now seeing a few similarities between the brothers. They both had the same toned figure. Both had the same light brown hair, although his brother's was slightly buzzed off. 

 "Ethan," Nate answered, setting down the picture frame back on to his coffee table where I had originally picked it up, "He's coming home soon though." 

I smiled, thinking about meeting Nate's family. If they were anything like Nate they were probably all great. I had moved on to the next picture in a little wooden frame, asking Nate about that one as well.

 "So what about this one?" I asked, looking down at the happy couple in the photograph, "Is this your parents?" 

 "Yeah, that's my mom, Merideth. And then my dad, Henry. My mom moved to California after my dad died to be closer to her parents. I was forteen when he died, so I moved with her. I came back though later to work in the hospital with my grandpa."

I tried to imagine Nate at forteen years old. It was hard to picture that small little boy based off the images I have of him now. 

 "So then Dr. Reynolds is your grandpa on which side?" 

 "My dad's," he answered. 

 "You've never talked about your mom or your dad either," I noticed, wondering why that was. 

 He shrugged in response, "We never got along that much. We're alright now, but my brother is much closer to my mom then I will ever be. Maybe once every two years I go out to visit her, but she's always busy anyway. She owns a company that she devotes her life to. But honestly, why do you want to hear all this?" 

I sighed, "I just think it's interesting! I really don't know all that much about you." 

He shook his head, "As much as I would love to narrarate my entire lifestory to you, I think you should maybe consider filling out some of those college applications I got for you." 

 I laughed, "Your entire life story sounds much more interesting, but sure we can do that if you insist." 

 Nate smiled, ignoring what I said, "Here, I got some applications from the colleges that I spoke with on the phone. I told them about your situation and missing half of senior year. These are the ones that are willing to work with you." 

 He dropped a stack of papers on the coffee table in front of the couch we were sitting on in Nate's apartment.

 "Wow, that's more then I thought. How do you know they will make an exception though?"

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