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Within minutes I had every bra boy around at my house they were going for Louis

Jesse - right so we have got 3 possible places he's at either where he was keeping Leighla or at his mates house so half of you go with Koby half of you come with me alright

"I'm going either with you or Koby

Koby - come with me I'll need help finding that shack

"Alright love you Jesse

Jesse - love you to

I get in the front seat of Konya car as we drive towards the outskirts of Sydney it was about an hour trip there we had about 20 cars full of boys behind us and to think that was only half of them

Koby - I can't imagine what it was like there

"Well you will soon find out won't you

Koby - Not just The place what he did to you makes my blood boil

"Jesse told you did he

Koby - yeah he did but only so I could watch out for you

"I'm not 5 Koby

Koby - well your my little sister so 5 or 18 I'm still older


Koby - see you act like one you were obviously wrapped in bubble wrap

"No actually my parents were always away on business trips so I had a nanny my parents bearly picked me up as a child

Koby - yeah mine weren't around either

I turn up the radio starting to sing away to I was made for loving you

Koby - there's something about your voice it's so peaceful

"I like singing songs are words you can't say or feelings

Koby - I guess they are


I point to a rugged old house just sitting there surrounded by nothing we pull up the long dirt drive way we all get out of our cars and Koby chucks me a loaded gun.

Koby - just in case

I put it in my back pocket going inside behind Koby it seemed empty till I hear a bang from behind us it was Louis making a run for it Koby sprints after him throwing him on to the ground I saw jesses car speeding up the drive before he got out punching Louis in the face

Jesse - who the fuck do you think you are doing that to my misses and expecting to get away with it you sick cunt

He punches Louis again

Louis - I knew exactly what I was doing she was mine first yah little girlfriends been hiding a lot from yah you might want to check that out

Jesse punches him again getting off him as Jesse was walking away I heard Louis pipe up

Louis - your girls pretty good In bed ahy Jesse

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