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A week later

Jesse had told caleb about mum and dad so caleb hadn't been out of his room since Jesse was back at work because it was summer and to busy for him to be home I put Mila in the rocker going to celebs room

"open up caleb

Caleb - no

"I'm going to the shops do you want anything

Caleb - no


I put Mila in her car seat driving to calebs a foster parents place getting out picking up Mila and knocking on the door when some middle aged sweatey women open it

-who are you

"My names leighla are you missing

-no why

"Not even your foster son caleb

- that little shit I'm glad he's gone

"How could you tell him that his parents were on holiday

- I didn't want him bitching in my ear ooh my parents are dead wa wa

"If I didn't have my baby with me I would of knocked you straight out I hope your fucking proud of yourself

I turn around walking to the car putting Mila in doing the shopping and heading home Jesse was home from work on the couch with caleb

"Shit you left your bedroom

Caleb - I'm hungry what's for dinner

"Chicken salad it's ready

I put Mila in her rocker sitting at the table

Caleb - my friends come over tomorrow

Jesse - oh yea what his name

Caleb - Amber

Jesse - Um I'm guessing that's a girl not a guy right

Caleb - yeah it's a girl

"Is she just a friend or

Caleb - yes omg

Jesse - we used to be Friends look what happened

Caleb - oh my god I'm 16 man I'm not going to get her pregnant unlike you I won't fuck up

Jesse - I'll give you that one

"It's fine Jesse is at work and I'm at dance in the morning

Caleb - thanks

"dishes shower please Caleb

Caleb - yeah yeah

Jesse - put Mila to bed then we can have an early night babe

"Yeah I'll go up and feed her and I'll meet you in bed

Adopted ( Jesse Polock )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang