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Jesse got let out if the hospital 2 weeks ago it's Been a month since the accident and tension was high in our house with Olya been over due and we're having to do everything

Jesse - babe I need my pain relief

"Can you get it Jesse

Jesse - no not really

I get up out of bed grabbing his pain relief and water taking it back to him collapsing back in to bed

Jesse - what's wrong with you

"I'm tired and I'm sore

Jesse - your sore you don't have a broken collar bone and a fractured Pelvis

"Your not 28 weeks pregnant

I roll over with my back to Jesse when my phone rings

Hey leighla it's Ashleigh
Hey ash
We're under staffed could you please come in
Yeah I'll be like 20 minutes
Thanks girl lifesaver

I put my phone down getting up going to the bathroom putting on make up and tying my hair in to a messy high pony tail going back to get in my uniform

Jesse - where are you going


Jesse - sorry for being a dick I'm just sick of not been able to do shit you and Olya are pregnant we should be looking after you and going to work so we can get money but instead your going to work

"Yeah well shit happens and I know this is killing you but one more week and you will be out of bed and off the couch alright

Jesse - yeah I'll see you when your home love you

"Love you to

I leave for work before returning home to Jesse on the couch I sit down kicking off my heels to show my swollen feet putting them on the table

Jesse - how was work


Jesse - whys that babe

"Who ever came up with the term morning sickness is a liar

Jesse - naw sorry babe

"I better get on to dinner

Jesse - why don't you sit down for a bit

"Nah I have stuff to do

I get up going in to the kitchen starting to cook dinner when I see Jesse get up walking over to me

"Oh my god when did you try walking with out your crutches

Jesse - this morning I need to get moving your pulling the weight of everyone in the house and it's not right

"Babe you know i don't care all those times you looked after me

He leans over kissing me passionately on the lips

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