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They had me put in a room and I was hooked up to all sorts of IVs and monitors

Jesse - the boys are here there all in the waiting room

Nurse - alright we're going to send you through for an emergency c-section

"Why can't I just do it normally

Nurse - to risky for you and her alright I'll take you up in 5

"Once they pull her out you have to go with her alright don't worry about me go with her

Jesse - babe I want to stay with you

"Go with her Jake can come sit with me while I get stitched up

Nurse - you ready


She wheels me down to surgery moving me on to the table Jesse holding my hand

Jesse - I love you so much babe don't forget that your the strongest girl I know and after this I'm going to have 2 of the most gorgeous girls in the world

I couldn't say anything from the tears in my eyes and lump in my throat

Doctor - congratulations you have a girl

"Why isn't she crying

Doctor - sir do you want to follow the nurse

Jesse - I'll be back baby alright

I feel my hand become empty as Jesse leaves and quickly filled again

Jake -Congrats sis your a mum

I feel him wipe the tears from my eyes

"Can I go see her

Doctor - you won't be able to walk for the next 2 hours and a bed can't go in there

Jake - what if I carry her

Doctor - yeah I guess so

Jake picks me up bridal style walking me downstairs to NICU and in where i saw Jesse sitting next to an incubator Jake puts me in to his lap and leaves

"What's wrong with her

Jesse - nothing she's just very small and was born not breathing so they are helping her

"She looks just like you

Jesse - she does doesn't she

I grab jesses phone taking a photo of her to put on Instagram and Facebook

~ my beautiful daughter was born at 4.20pm almost 2 months early via emergency c-section and I'm so in love ❤️

Nurse - I'm sorry visiting hours end soon

"When do they start again

Nurse - about 7 tomorrow alright don't worry she's safe with us

Jesse - come on babe

Adopted ( Jesse Polock )Where stories live. Discover now