Jungle Pool SOS (1/2)

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I'm going to try to go with the episodes now, so the length of the chapters will depend on the lengths of the episodes. Dialogue will also be almost directly from the episodes

"What's going on with the twins? Why is their hair pink and blue?" Cain asks, hiking his bookbag up higher on his shoulder. Haruhi glances at him, shrugging as she continues her brief conversation with her dad over the phone. After she hangs up she answers her cousin.

"They're upset because of something I said, I guess." Haruhi says, shrugging again as Cain raises a brow.

"What did you say?" Cain asks.

"I'm not sure. It was something I said when explain how I can tell the two apart." Haruhi explains and Cain just nods. These damned rich people are dramatic as hell. The twins and Tamaki especially so. "We'll find out what's going on soon, After yesterday's fights, there's only so much more they can argue about."


Cain enters the room and immediately has to duck so he isn't hit with a flying object. He catches the tiki shield as it's chucked in his direction, and he uses it until he gets to a safe spot. The other hosts glance at him, and he shifts uncomfortably with the attention, playing with the edge of his blazer. He joined the host club about a week and a half ago. And he isn't any more comfortable with any of the other hosts. Well, he's a bit more comfortable with Mori and Honey. Honey is making an effort, even going as far as to have Cain call him and Mori by the nicknames and with no honorifics. Cain really does appreciate the effort.

"So you're saying... If we stop fighting we can go to your house?" Cain had been somewhat aware of the situation going on, but at Hikaru and Kaoru's words his head snaps up and a small amount of fear appears in his eyes. He wanders over to the doll on the floor and picks it up, scowling at the symbols on the back.

"Blank." He reads out loud, and Haruhi hits both of the twins roughly on the top of their heads.

"Assholes." She cusses in English, causing Cain to smirk a bit before scowling again as he realizes the Host Club will be coming to his house at some point on some random day. Oh joy, time to find a cheap house in Mexico.


Haruhi and Cain literally just walked past the gates of Ouran High. Of course, Cain hears the limo pull up behind them, directly in front of the gates. He turns to Haruhi with wide eyes, and he hears a door start opening. "Run." Of course, Haruhi realizes right away that the Host Club is about to pull some shit, so she takes off with Cain. The twins grab her, an arm each, and yank her into the limo. Dress shoes slam against the pavement, two pairs in synch, as Mori races after Cain who's managed to get quite a ways ahead. Students stop and stare as Cain rounds a corner, eyes wide as he breaths heavily and quickly.

A few seconds later, Mori rounds the corner, much more graceful. Instead of looking terrified, he looks determined. If Cain looks back he might be the only one to notice the amused glint in the taller third-year's eyes. Mori catches up to Cain as he starts to turn a corner, and students get out of the way quickly as Mori pins the shorter third-year to a wall. There's some squealing as Cain blushes, and a side of Mori's lips tugs up almost unnoticeably. "Got you." Mori says, the undertone of his words showing his amusement. Cain is still blushing, and dammit this is ruining his bad boy reputation. And his blush is pretty obvious, so the amount of people who think Cain is straight is lessening by the second.

"Can you, uh- Woah!" Cain shouts. Mori picks him up almost effortlessly and slings him over his shoulder. "Dammit Mori! Put me down!" Cain shouts, trying, failing, to twist in the much taller third-year's hold.

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