The Sun, The Sea, and the Host Club! (2/2)

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Shorter Chapter Sorry

Honey glances out the window Cain is sitting by as he draws, and the American pauses when he feels eyes on him. "It's awfully gloomy out there, huh? It looks like it might rain." Honey says, and Cain glances outside again before nodding and continuing to draw.

"Speaking of gloomy..." Kaoru says, drawing Cain's attention. "There's someone even more gloomy in here than the darkness outside." Cain glances over at Tamaki, who's sulking in front of a window.

"If you're going to mope like that..."

"Then you shouldn't have picked a fight with her." Cain finishes before Kaoru can. The twins glance over at him with raised brows, but the third-year just shrugs, not even looking up as his pencil flicks across the paper. Haruhi walks in, and Cain glances up. He'd never admit that he looked at Mori before his cousin, whom is dressed in a baby pink dress with salmon sleeves and a dark pink bow near the top.

"Haruhi, did you buy that dress yourself?" The twins ask, and Cain yawns as he gets to his feet, stretching.

"Uncle Ryoji repack your bag?" Cain asks, and Haruhi nods, looking a bit annoyed.

"Dad must've." Haruhi says.

"Want me to bring you one of my shirts? You can probably roll up your sleeping pants to sleeping shorts." Cain offers, and Haruhi shakes her head.

"No, it's," Haruhi huffs, "it's fine for one night. I don't know why he always wants me to wear stuff like this." Cain raises a brow when he glances over at the twins. Their expressions are almost comical.

"Good job, Haruhi's dad!" The two exclaim, causing both Haruhi and Cain to sigh heavily and roll their eyes.

"Haru-chan, you look so cute!" Honey exclaims, and Cain can see Tamaki peering around his column with a pink tint to his cheeks. It's not long before everybody is sitting at the table, and Kyoya pulls out his notebook within seconds. The twins look uncomfortable with the tense silence, and Haruhi somehow ended up next to Tamaki. Cain is sitting on her other side, so it could be worse. Honey glances over at Cain with an uneasy expression, and more is stoic as usual.

"The air is stuffy, huh?" Hikaru questions, and Kaoru agrees.

"It's kind of tense in here." His twin says, and Cain nearly jumps when Honey shifts closer to him almost unnoticeably.

"Let's eat, Haru-chan!" Honey says, attempting to lighten the mood. Cain shakes his head just slightly, leaning back so he's out of Haruhi's visual range. "I'm sure the crabs we caught today are delicious." Haruhi glances at Cain, and the American shrugs before he grabs a leg. Him and Haruhi crack one open at the same time, but Cain takes his time with his crab meat while Haruhi finishes it in a few bites. She moves onto another one soon after, and another after that.

"These crabs taste in-crab-able." Haruhi states, and Cain snorts at her failed attempt at humor. Tamaki looks upset though, and that's probably what the first year is aiming for. "Get it?" Haruhi's plate continues to pile up as she continues eating, and Cain bumps her gently with her leg to tell her to slow down. She'll get sick before Tamaki leaves if she keeps eating at this speed. He may not agree with what she's doing, but he knows there's no changing her mind as she's already started.

"Aren't you eating too much, to say the least?" Tamaki asks, slight worrying coloring his words. Cain raises a brow as he breaks open another leg.

"Huh? I thought you weren't speaking to me." Haruhi says, looking content as she eats more crab meat.

"Y-You're not being cute." Tamaki stutters, and Cain barely manages to stop his head from snapping up when a large foot nudges him. He glances up almost unnoticeably at Mori, and the other third-year is looking a bit concerned.

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