When You Both Watch Horror Movies

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Brick Jojo:

A loud high pitch scream was heard coming from (Brick) the TV as blood was splattered upon the snow in the movie you both were watching. Brick's red piercing eyes were narrowed know focus as he munched on the popcorn finishing half the bowl already. You stay clinging onto his arm watching intensely as well, eating popcorn a few times here and there.

"JESUS CHRIST IT WAS A DAMN "INTO THE FURTURE" TYPE OF THING!?! GOD DAMN YOU TWILIGHT MOVIE CREATORS!" Brick shouted as "Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2" was a few minutes away from ending . A foreshadowing type of thing had happened near the end which he didn't seem to like. The redhead of course knew this movie was a romantic fantasy but decided to just claim it "Horror".

Butch Jojo:

"Don't go there stop being stupid! Turn turn back you ass!" Butch shouted at the TV as a small little girl in the movie was turning a corner into an alleyway. You knew what was coming so you nibbled on some chocolate. Once the movie had ended you both threw popcorn kernels at the TV screen as the end credits played. "BOOO!"

"That was terrible!" Butch huffed laying back on the couch. You nodded in agreement.

Boomer JoJo:

"Awww!" You both stared in are at the TV as two blood covered lovers kissed and confessed their love to each other.

Reminding you both of Buttercup and Butch in a way. You two ended up watching a Romantic Horror instead of a plains horror film.

Boomer kept making excuses to not watch the horror film you choose, so instead a romantic horror is was that you two watched and enjoyed.

Bullet Jojo:

The volume was low, Bullet and you were both commentating the horror movie you watched.

"Oh I'm so smart Ima turn the corner and ask if anyone's there so I can have more friends cause though I'm pretty I'm such a loner!" Bullet mimicked a little girls voice flipping his brown hair in a stereotypical like manner, fluttering his lashes, and pursing his lips.

You giggles loudly at the face he was making and at his impression of the girl in the film.

Blaze Jojo:

"Please Blaze, just this once can we watch a scary movie?!" You begged pouting lightly as the white haired male shook his head folding his arm across his chest. "N-No Y/N" He mumbled. You groaned sitting on the couch curling up and pouting like a child. "I-I'm sorry.." He apologized.

You couldn't blame him, he had anxiety and could burst out crying with an asthma attack anytime he heard a screech from the movie. "It's okay, we can watch something else" You smiles planting a small kiss on his pale cheek causing his cheeks to burn red.

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