There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (13)

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It was dark.

I hated the dark.

I wasn't afraid of it or anything, I just didn't like it. But of course that was what I was surrounded by right now. Sure, there were few lights here and there, just enough for me to be able to see, but it still wasn't enough. I needed way more light to feel comfortable.

I had a feeling someone was watching me, even though I knew that no one was. Don't you just hate that feeling? I always seemed to get it a lot.

I wished that I had decided to take a walk during the day, but I was stupid and I didn't. Now I had to deal with the consequences and just continue to walk in the dark.

I heard an owl hoot, and it almost scared me so much that I jumped. I hated being so jumpy at night, but could you blame me? Being best friends with a scary movie junkie like Lexi took its toll on me, and now I was afraid that a vampire was going to jump out and attack me every time I heard a noise.

Well... as long as they didn't sparkle, that was perfectly fine.

Now, if it was a werewolf, I would have been long gone.

But who knew what lurked around the woods that surrounded Camp Kingston? Lions, tigers, and bears? Oh, my...

But on all seriousness, I was actually afraid of walking around in the dark. I should have known that it was going to get dark when I started walking when the sun was almost set, but I acted like an idiot and just kept on going. I just needed to clear my head, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do that in Cabin C.

But what could actually be in the woods? A wolf? A bear? A vampire?

Not that I believe in vampires or anything...

I really just wanted peace and quiet.

That's really just all I needed.

But as my phone rang shrilly, breaking the silence of nature that surrounded me, I couldn't be more ticked off. I just wanted to get rid of all my worries, and I thought that a walk might help.

It might have, if whoever was calling me wasn't calling me.

Marnie and her friends were staying at a hotel nearby, and I kind of wished that I had gone with them. After witnessing what had happened between Marnie and Jesse, I had gotten to talking with both her and Delilah. They were actually great people, and I wanted to talk to them more. We had exchanged numbers so that after they left we could still talk to each other.

So I thought that it was either Marnie or Delilah that was bothering me, but when I saw the familiar phone number show up on my screen, I only rolled my eyes.

"Hi, Grandma."

"Hi, Jordan!" she cried enthusiastically on the other line. "How's my lovely granddaughter doing?"

"Tired," I answered, rubbing my free hand over my face.

"What are you tired from? Is Jesse too rough for you?"

"Gr--Grandma!" I shouted, a little too loud. I clasped a hand over my mouth, hopeful that no one had heard me. Why did my grandmother have to make such perverted comments? It was creepy! Especially since it was about a guy I couldn't stand!

"What?" my grandmother asked innocently, and I knew that she was probably blinking. "Am I right?"

"No, you're wrong!" I whispered hoarsely, shaking my head widely, even though she couldn't see me. "Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"Okay, just keep on denying it then, Jordan."

"Dallas is here," I told her, not even meaning to. I'd rather her tease me about Dallas than about Jesse. She had always liked Dallas when we were little, even going off and calling him her grandson, so I knew that she would have been a lot happier if it was Dallas and not--

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