There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (29)

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As I turned off the water and grabbed onto the towel that hung on the rod outside the shower, I realized one thing that made me want to slap myself about a thousand times.

I didn't bring any clothes, and of course I wasn't in my cabin.

What happened to being the smartest girl at Adeline? Whenever I was around Jesse, that completely flew out the window... He always made me so nervous whenever he was around. I always acted so stupid around him, and I hated it...

Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my towel around my body tightly and opened the bathroom door, scared almost completely out of my mind. What would he think if I emerged in nothing but a towel? I hoped he didn't get the wrong idea...

"We need to pick places we can go where we won't get caught," I told Jesse as I walked out of his bathroom in only the towel, saying the first thing that came to my mind so he wouldn't notice the towel. But I knew he'd notice it... He was a guy, after all.

Jesse told me to take a shower in his cabin just in case any of the girls in my cabin were there, and I wasn't about to disagree with him. If only I remembered to bring extra clothes...

Jesse's eyes widened when he looked over from the TV to me. I smirked, but couldn't help but blush over the attention. It wasn't like I did this on purpose... If I had brought my clothes to his cabin, I'd be fully clothed. But, no. I was an idiot and forgot them.

"Are you... uh... gonna put clothes on?" he asked uncomfortably, looking away from me quickly. My eyes widened slightly when I realized he was blushing like crazy. I was the one who was only being covered by a towel, and he was blushing?

Aw... how cute.

"I'm stupid and didn't bring any extra clothes," I informed him, bringing the towel up a little more to cover my body better. "So... I don't have anything to wear."

Jesse, who had taken a shower before me, continued to look away from me as he tried to think of something to do. Was he honestly embarrassed with the fact that I was pretty much naked except for the towel?

That was so cute! Most guys would take advantage of a girl that walked out of their bathroom in nothing but a towel, but I knew Jesse wouldn't do anything like that.

"Here," he said quickly, jumping up from his chair and walking over to a dresser that I assumed was his. "Just wear something of mine."

I smiled slightly at the thought of this. Wearing his clothes like we had just...

I quickly shook my head, trying to rid my head of the idea that had just popped into it. I was not ready for something like that...

"Okay," I nodded, walking over and taking whatever he was giving to me quickly. I then scuffled back into the bathroom and quickly changed into his clothes.

Once they were on, I examined myself in the mirror. His shirt was big on me, but it was a lot better than a towel. And his boxers... They were kind of weird to wear, and I'd have to pull them up every couple seconds, but they were still okay, I guess.

I quickly took a whiff of his shirt before walking out of the bathroom and back toward him. I smiled a little when I noticed how much it smelled like him, which I really liked...

"Well, that's sexier than I thought it would be," Jesse smirked from his bed across the cabin, causing me to jump after I had emerged from the bathroom. "I thought you'd look ridiculous."

I glowered at him, coming closer and crawling onto his bed next to him. I didn't think I looked that good or anything... I looked alright, I guess, but not well enough for his compliments.

There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें