There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (22)

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"My throat's closing up," Lexi announced croakily when we finally got to Kate's office. "Stupid bee stopped Alex from seeing me in my swim suit!"

"That's the last of your worries," I told her as I sat her down, looking around for Kate. "I'll go find Kate. Just try your best and breathe, okay?"

Lexi gave me a flat look. "I'll try."

I looked around and called out her name a few times before she finally emerged from the back room, almost frantically.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "What's wrong, Jordan?"

"My friend was stung by a bee," I informed her quickly, motioning toward her quickly. "She's really allergic. Is there anything you can do?"

"Of course," Kate nodded, walking over toward Lexi, who looked almost terrified. Before I knew it, Kate's hand was up in the air and quickly swinging down toward her leg. Lexi let out a shout when Kate's hand connected with her leg, and I looked over to see she had stabbed her with a shot.

"She'll be better after the medicine kicks in," Kate sighed, standing up and patting Lexi on the shoulder. "She should go back to her cabin and rest. She'll be back to normal in a few days. But I'll have her stay in here for tonight, just to make sure."

I nodded, smiling at her before turning toward my best friend. "Are you going to be okay?"

She nodded at me now, swallowing hard. "My throat's getting better now," she answered me hoarsely. "I'll be fine. Go take my place for the dunk tank like you said you would."

My eyes widened when I realized what I had told Jesse to do. I was just so worried about Lexi that I wasn't even thinking when I told him to go tell them I would do the dunk tank. Even though I wasn't going to be dunked into the pool or anything, I still was going to be dropping into water... I hated water...

"Okay," I gulped, giving her one last smile before turning away from her and exiting Kate's office. I had to get back to my cabin so I could change into a swim suit...

I then realized that I didn't even own a swim suit. Since I couldn't swim, I never thought I'd need one. The last swim suit I had worn was...

Oh, no. I couldn't wear that skimpy swim suit I had used to seduce Jesse! That was way too revealing! Sure, it covered up everything it was supposed to, but... it was super small and tight!

I sighed, pulling the damned swim suit out of my dresser and holding it in front of my face. I scowled as I pulled it on, dreading the looks I was going to get from the different guys that passed. Especially after I got dunked... How disgusting.

Only Jesse had seen me in the swim suit, and it was dark while he did. I knew that he could see what I looked like, but just barely... Now I was going to be out in the bright daylight, being violated by every guy that passed. I was so not looking forward to this.

I wrapped a towel around my body, making my way out of the cabin and hurrying back toward the fair. I wasn't getting any looks as I passed through the huge groups of people as I made my way to the dunk tank, but that was because of the towel that continued to stay wrapped around my body.

When I finally got to the dunk tank, I found myself smiling when I saw Jesse sitting where Lexi should have been, fully clothed. A little girl had one ball in her hand, and she threw it as hard as she could at the target, but missed it by a longshot.

When Jesse saw me, his face broke out into a smile. He told the next girl in the line to wait, and quickly hopped away from the water before she decided to throw the balls she had anyway. He beckoned me toward him, and I happily walked forward.

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