Chapter 6 - Hidden Secrets

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I watch, as daddy turns the doorknob, and calmly pulls the door fully open at last. But, that's when shocked looks were triggered. Standing tall and firm outside the door, was a tall man, wearing a uniform, which was covered in many splats and spots of greens and browns. It reminded me of a forestry scenery or something. Many badges, brooches and such were attached to the right of his chest.

Though as my eyes gradually look up to his face, I can see; his deep brown eyes, shining through his seal brown hair he has, which somewhat reached over his eyebrow level. It was no other then daddy's friend, Mr. (since I didn't know his full name).

"Ey, long time no sees, bud!" Daddy says in his casual voice he often spoke as with his friends. He lightly hugs Mr., giving him a hard pat on the back.

"Glad to see you to, bro." Mr. smiled back lightly, and does the same. Once they were done, Mr. enters the house, and takes off his jacket.

"Come in," Daddy ushers to him. "Just put you shoes here. Miranda will take care of your jacket."

"Alright." Mr. nods, and with that places his large black boots near the side of the door. He thanks once more to mommy, as she steps up to take his jacket. And I was standing there, completely open, in the hallway beside the stairs, all blank expression as I gawked at Mr.

It's been so long since I've last seen him. How long exactly?

If I remember, I could recall meeting him when I was around 5 years old. But, that was almost 3 years ago. Though it was far in the past, I somehow felt as if we'd just met for the first time--in this very moment. I didn't know why.

Once she finishes placing it into the nearby closet; that's when she happens to remember of my existence and turns towards me, an odd look on her face.

"Rima, why don't you say hi to your dad's friend?" Mommy hisses, "You remember him right? You've met when you were five years old."

"Oh." I then bit my lips, shyly. "Y-Yes."

At that moment, that's when Mr. notices me as well, and smiles even more widely. "Hey, you must be that little Rima, your dad's been talking about!" He waves.

I jumped the second he spoke to me, however eventually came to nod back in response. But, that's when he starts making his way over to me.

My foot moves back a step or two, begging to make a run for it. No, I shouldn't. I had to stand my ground.

As I stood there, my whole body begins to stiffen. My hands clutch into even tighter into fists then before. With each step he takes, my heart races faster and faster. A few more steps and...

Just when he is completely in front of me, Mr. stops and bends down to my level. Unexpectedly, he raises a hand.

I watch in worry, as I see the palm of his right hand rise right above my own head, casting a shadow upon my own eyes. Soon, it then gradually lowers.

Immediately I look down and squeezed my eyes closed, anticipating for the worst. However, it doesn't.

Instead, Mr. only gives my head a light, soft pat. Slowly I re-open them, and gazed back up to him, only to see Mr.--with a grin on his face. However, it wasn't just any ordinary smile; it was a kind, heartwarming one, one which showed kindness, friendliness and anything else that made up for the word 'welcoming'.

I was even more in awe of his smile. That one thing unique about Mr., compared to anybody else I've known.

And that's when I remember how I was able to recognize him. It was simply because of his smile.

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