Chapter 12- The lake

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Zaid's P.O.V
I hear Amir say Azmina's name. I think I am going crazy because his family said they won't be here. I look up to see if I am correct and I not.

He looks between me and Azmina. "Asalamalakum Amir, I thought you wouldn't make it." I tell him. He clenchs his jaw and gives me a death stare. "Why do you say that? So you can hit on my future wife?" He says. He starts to ball up his fists.

He sometimes thinks he can say and do anything to us because he has more money but when the day of judgment comes, he will finally realize we are all the same.

"Why would I hit on your future wife? We're just friends." before I could finish, he punchs me in the jaw. I fall on the floor. Azmina gets up and rushes over to me. She dosen't stay long because Amir takes Azmina wrist and pulls her out of the room.

Azmina's P.O.V
Why is he so angry? I mean he should control his angry. He could do something worse next time.

We end up in the parking lot. Amir is walking back and forth, trying to calm down I guess. "What did he say to you?" he asks me. "Nothing! We're just friends." I say.

He walks back and forth a few times before asking "How do you know him?"

"We both go to the same school. He's also Nadia, my best friends brother."
He nods his head and keeps walking back and forth.

I wonder why no one is coming out to help me. Maybe their helping out Zaid or their scared of Amir.

Amir stops walking and turns to me. "Can I take you somewhere?" He asks . Is he crazy? Why would I go out with a guy who needs anger management?
I just simply state "No".

He gives me puppy eyes and says "please." They were the type of puppy eyes you can't say no to. I sigh and say yes. Then he leads me to his car. I look at his car and relize it's a Lambo. Why would he ever need a lambo?

I shrug it off and get in. He starts driving. Out of the blue he says "Do you like being a rebel?" What kind of question is that? This dude reallys needs to update his conversation starters. "Well, sometimes." I tell him.

"Okay then you'll love this." he steps on the gas and the car goes way over the speed limit. I scream but cover my mouth. I think I hear him chuckle but the engine so loud I'm not sure. I look to see what speed we're going. When I see it I almost faint. We are going 150mph.

I close my eyes for the rest of the trip. Which wasn't that long. We get to a lake. I check to see what time it is. It's 11pm. Thank goodness  I'm sleeping at Nadia's house or my mom would have killed me.

Amir and I both get out. As we get closer to the lake the more beautiful it seems. Once we are right next to the lake. We look for a few seconds. "Subhan allah" we both say at the same time. We chuckle and look at the grass surrounding the lake.

"Follow me, I need to show you something." He tells me. I follow him because I trust him not to do anything bad. We stop upon a cabin. Amir opens it and holds the door for me.

When I walk in, I gasp. Everything about the cabin was perfect. It was black with white accents. I sit on the big black couch. Amir follows and sits right next to me.

"I come here often, this is the only place that helps me escape the pain for the outside world." There was hurt all over his eyes. I felt sad for him. "What do you mean pain?" I ask him.

He sighs and looks at me. "I may seem like this strong person who can handle everything but I'm not. I can't help the people I love, I've lost so many people who mean so much to me. Today I lost Zaid too. He hates me now and I probably lost you too. The only thing I have is Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)" he says.

As I listen to him talk, I see sadness and hurt all over his face. When he talks about me and Zaid, I see his eyes water. If only I could hug him right now.

He countines saying " You probably don't understand why I hit Zaid. It's because I've lost so many people and if I can prevent it in any way I will." he finishes.

"Amir, never say that. I will always be with you no matter what. I won't leave you and just remember Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) tests the people he loves. He must love you if he is testing so often." I tell him.

"I know, but sometimes it just seems he hates me. With all that he is taking away from me." he says. I then see tears run down his face.

"Never say that allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)  dosen't loves you. Shaytan is messing with your head and making you believe that. If allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) didn't love you then he would have left you but he didn't." I say before getting up and giving him a glass of water.

When I hand him the water he says "Jazakallah Khairan"

"Wa Antum fa Jazaakum Allaahu Khayran" I respond to him. Amir has stopped tearing up.

After he finshes his water, he says. "Jazakallah khairan for listening to me. I've never told any one that but please don't worry about my problems. I need to deal with them, not you" he says.

"Wa Antum fa Jazaakum Allaahu Khayran and don't worry, I will try not to worry much about you" I says but I will try to make dua for him.

We get up and go back to the car. Once I get to Nadia's house, Amir tells me "I'm sorry about everything that happened. I'm sorry that I dragged you out of there. I'm sorry I brought you to the cabin and told you my problems" he says.

I actually smile "it's okay. I actually like today, I got to learn more about you." I tell him before leaving. I turn to the house and get ready for all the yelling I will be hearing sice it's midnight.
First off, Thank you so much for over 300 views!!!! That's crazy!! You guys are amazing!!!
And I know everyone will hate this chapter but I'm sorry. This chapter had to be in here.
I also edited the cover, so give me your thoughts on that.
Also I am making the cast. So tell me how you imagine some of the characters to look like.
I am thinking about making Zayn Malik play as Zaid, so give me your thoughts on that as well.
That's all for now.

I Tried To Change Him (Under Major Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon