Chapter 30- The Story

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Noorah's P.O.V
"Are you joking?" Amir asked.

"No" I answered while looking at her nails, which were painted with pink polish.

"Well, why are you keeping your mouth shut? Tell me the story." Amir tells her.

It was midnight. I knew I was supposed to be asleep but something told me not to. Maybe some warm milk will help me fall asleep. I go downstairs and walk into the living room.

I see mom and dad in there. They seem to be talking about something important. I decided to spy on them.

Mom picks up a piece of paper. "We don't have much money left. How will we take care of Noorah and Azmina when both of us don't have a job."

My dad sighs and runs his fingers thru his hair"I don't know. Maybe we can give one of them to our close friends? The only other choice we have is for us to be homeless."

"I am scared but I think we have to make that decision." my mom says while wiping a tear.

Six months later
"We will always love you. When we get enough money to support you we will bring you back." my dad says.

I look at the people who will now be my parents. They looked nice but I wanted my mom and dad.

The rest of my life was spent with them. They were surley the nicest parents ever. They let me go out and come back whenever I wanted. They never asked me any questions about where I was.

My real parents came back at the age of 12. They wanted me back but I couldn't go with them. They left me for a reason. They hated me. Why else would they leave a child?

End of Flashback

"I never went back because they were horrible people to leave one daughter but not the other. Funny thing is we were twins but I got platic surgery so I don't have to look like them. Parents always love one more than the other." I said.

"So they went back for you and you didn't come." Amir asked. I nod yes.

Amir is quiet for a few minutes. "Does Amzina know about this?"

"We were only 4 at the time. She would never remember because she didn't have a life changing experience."

Amir's phone starts to ring. He anwers it. "Really?!" "How is she doing?" "Can I come right now?" "Ok. Thanks. Bye."

He closes the call and stands up. "I need to leave, Allah hafiz."

"Allah hafiz"

Amir's P.O.V
Azmina's surgery was finally done. They said her brain was awake but she would hopefully move and talk in a few hours in shaa allah.

I walk into her room. Zaid was no where to be seen. I see Azmina. It broke my heart looking at her. She was sickly pale and had many tubes hooked up to her.

I sit next to her and just think about our time together. Though it wasn't long, it was surley the best time of my life. The way she smiled made me smile. Her blush was the cutest thing it the world. It made you just want to pinch her cheeks.

A doctor walked in "Hello. Azmina seems to be doing well but there is still a chance of death even when she wakes up. I am sorry." He says before walking away.

He just leaves with a mere sorry. Like a sorry made a person come back from the dead.

That made me think. What of these are my last moments with Azmina? What if she never wakes up again? I need to tell her how I feel before.

"Azmina, I know you can't here me but I love you. I know I have said it many times before but I want to tell you how much I really loved you." I start talking but then see Azmina's hand raise up.

A nurse rushes in and then many doctors rush in. "Whatever you said to her made her react. Keep doing whatever you were doing."

They left the room so I kept talking. "The way you care for others is so amazing. The way you don't care how others see you. You only wear nice clothes to impress yourself and allah (s.t.w) because you have a connection with him and in shaa alah you always will. " she started to toss and turn. Her heartbeat went up but to a more reasonable pace than before.

That day since you cut the marriage every dua I pray includes you. I pray that one day you will be my halal. Maybe not here but maybe in Jaanah. Anywhere with you will make me happy." I say with a smile.

Azmina slowy opens her eyes. She looks very tired like it took the whole world's strength to open her eyes but I was happy to see those brown orbs. I would do anything just to see them.

"I love you Amir." she says before closing her eyes once again.
Another short chapter. Hehehe. I have finally uploaded my other story meaning less updates here. I will only update 2 times a week for this story. It will in shaa alah always be on Sunday and Thrusday. Hope that's fine.

I Tried To Change Him (Under Major Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant