Chapter 22- Really?!

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Azmina's P.O.V
Khalid was inching towards my face. I tried as much as I could to not cry but as he came closer it got harder. The bedroom door swung open revealing, my savoir, Amir.

"Get off her!!" he screamed and jumped on Khalid. They started to punch and kicked each other. "Run Azmina!" Amir said. I picked up my stuff and ran for my life. I didn't know where I was going but I was scared.

After a few minutes of running around like a manic, I finally found the stairs. I ran down them, almost tripping every step. I got to the door and ran outside.

I saw Amir's car a few feet away. I ran and got in. I locked the doors and curled up into a ball. I tried to calm myself down but it really wasn't working.

After a few minutes, Amir came back. As I looked up to see him, his nose and lip were bleeding badly. "Oh my gosh Amir why did you do that?! Now your bleeding!" I said, getting freaked out.

He chuckled and said " It's ok. I can live with this but I can't live with what would have happened to you if I didn't come."

"How did you know I was here?" I ask.
He sighs and says " Khalid is my friend. He tells me everything he is doing. He told me about you and what he would do. He said you two would get married and then you would fall in love with him and have a baby boy, then after he would kill you. When you die, he will get all your money and be even more rich and when your son grows up he will take over the business meaning Khalid doesn't need to get married."

I looked at Amir in shock. What is wrong with Khalid? I was absolutely wordless. Amir kept driving and we ended up in his house. We go inside and I get the first aid kit and ice.

I go up to him and try to stop the blood. After a few mintues he doesn't have anymore blood on his face.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Amir asks, clearly shocked by what I can do. "I want to become a doctor and I took some classes to see how it would feel."

I go and make him some food. When I come back, he has another question "Why are you helping me? Don't you hate me?" I feel bad when he asks that. I just left him and he thinks I hate him.

"Amir, I don't hate you but I don't love you like I love Zaid. That's why I canceled the marriage. I don't want a corrupt marriage. You helped me today. I could have died but you came and saved me. Zaid didn't. So I feel like I owe it to you to do this."

Amir just nods his head and starts to eat. After he is finshed eating, we go back home. I knock on my door. My mom opens it again. "Azmina!" She says and hugs me. "How did you get back? Our tracking device that we in your phone when you left didn't work. We had absolutely no idea where you were."

"Amir took me out of their and brought me home." When I said that, her face had a small smile. She whispered something I could barely hear but I was able to catch on to it. "He is a good man. Why can't Azmina see that?"

Mom has always wanted me to get married to him. I walk past her and go to the living room. Zaid was sitting on the couch still.

"Zaid? What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked up and took me in a hug but immediately removed his hands. "Sorry, I'm just so happy you are here."

We kept talking until he brang up our marriage "Azmina we need to get married this week. I can't live without you. I can't touch you and that just hurts me. Please can we do it this week."

Did Zaid say we should get married this week? Uh, is he serious? But maybe we should. "Did you ask our parents about it?"

"They said it was up to us but I guess they now mean up to you."

I had the answer in my mind but I was scared to say. If I said it everything would change. I opened my mouth but the words were stuck in my throat, not wanting to come out.

"Just tell me an answer. I need to know fast. We have to plan the whole wedding in a week." Zaid said. Right when he said that I knew my answer and I didn't care anymore. I needed to say it even if it was a little scary.

"My answer is.........."

To Be Continued........
Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter but it need to be short for this storyline.
I will now be updating 4 times a week! 2 on the weekends and 2 on the weekdays. I will try to stick to this schedule but I have school.
Also.... I am also making a new book! I will have it published by next week in shaa allah. It's a differnt idea but I am sure you it will be good.

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