Chapter 27 - The Aftermath

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"Azmina, this is Noorah. The women I have been cheating on you with."

Azmina's P.O.V
Tears roll down my eyes. How could he? We had a baby and he was an amazing father. He seemed to love me all this time. What changed?

Wiping my tears, I ask "Why did you do this? Don't you love me? We even have a child. What will we do with her?

He gets up and walks up to me. " I did it because I don't love you. I stopped even before Sonia was born. I knew I was bringing someone into this world and I would have to care for it but I didn't care.

I wanted you for the money. You had your father's business, which is very successful. You're also a doctor. You have so much money but never seem to spend much or even share it with the family.

I would kill you and the rest of your family. After that your money and dads business would belong to me and my business would be the best in the world. Also I could get 10 times better than you. Your ugly,fat, and dumb. I don't know a person can even love you at the least."

I did share my money with him. We had the same bank account. We would put all the money we had in there. It has a few million dollars in there. We keep the rest at home. I payed for his dad's bills. I gave them money even though thy didn't ask.

I grab a suitcase and shove all my clothes and Sonia's into it. I couldn't take all of my things. "Where do you think your going? You have no family." Zaid says to me. I ignore him.

I take the suitcase into the car. Sonia is in daycare, I would pick her up. I don't know where I am staying. I don't have my own home. Tears were still falling down my eyes. More came while I was thinking.

I start the car and drive to the daycare. My vision was blurry and I know I shouldn't have been driving. I take my phone and try to call my dad.

The phone rings and instead of my dad's voice, I hear Amir's. "Azmina?!" He says with disbelief. "Sorry, wrong number."

I was about to hang up but his voice stopped me. "Why are you crying? Did Zaid hurt you?" He says with anger. When I hear Zaid's name all the feelings and memories come back. I cry even harder.

"He did, didn't he? You can come to my house and stay for as long as you want." He says.

"Thank you so much." I say to him.

"And Azmina one more thing," he pauses. "I'm listening." I say. "I still love you, maybe even more than before." he hangs up.

I go into a deep state of thought. He still loves me. It's been years. Even Zaid stopped loving me. How did he not? We aren't getting married though. He has a wife. Why did he get married if he didn't move on? Did they even love each other?

He so nice for letting me stay in his house. I know I wouldn't let him in my house. I feel bad to think about that. I haven't talked to him since me and Zaid got married. He tried to text me the first few days but when he saw I didn't look at them, he stopped.

All of this confused me. I had to much on my mind. I was getting close to the daycare.

I still had Sonia. That is if we don't fight for her custody. I only have her. I need her. He knows that without her, I won't have a life. Once I get to Amir's house I will call the bank to separate our accounts.

I am so happy that I had a job. I am happy I didn't listen to Zaid. He was setting that up so I would have no money for myself. I would be worthless. I would die on the streets.

I wasn't paying any attention. I heard a honk tht brought me back to reality. I look up to see I was in th other lane. I turned as fast I could.

I missed the car. Instead I sped into a big ditch. My car rolled over. I hit my head my times.

When my car stopped, I could barely move my arm. My head hurts way too much but I couldn't cry. I feel a thick liquid rolling down my face. It must be blood and a lot if it's rolling down my face.

I could've hit my brain so much that I could be paralyzed. I could have also damaged some parts. It takes a very long time. Especially to regain memory. I could also go into coma.

I could probably have 2 week coma right now but there could be more blood. The more blood lost the longer the coma. If too much escaped I could die.

It sucks to be a doctor. You always know what it could be and what it could not. My eyes start to close. I try to keep them open but it won't work. I end up going unconscious.

I Tried To Change Him (Under Major Editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα