Chapter 3

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I was stuck in this bed for two days now. Dilton tried numerous times to gain access but I just refused for him to see me. My mom was here asking all sorts of questions about Dilton and why I didn't want to see him. How do you tell your mother that your marriage is falling apart? One thing I never wanted to be was a disappoint for my parents and a failed marriage is definitely a disappointment in their eyes. I can already see the gossip magazines head line. Power couple or powerless couple.

I heard a noise from the door and when I turned to take a look I saw the doctor entering.

"Morning miss Cage. Hope your feeling better today." He sound so happy and full of life. And all I want to do is crawl into a hole and be gone with.

"Never beter doctor. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I plastered a fake smile on lips.

"Now Ms Cage I have some bad news and some good news which would you prefer I tell you first?" Good and bad news. He already gave me the worst news ever by telling me u lost my baby. What could be worse 5han that?

"Bad news first and good new last please." The doctor shifted uncomfortably in his seat. And I noticed that he couldn't make eye contact with. This must be pretty bad news if even he is struggling to tell me.

"Can I call someone for you for support I don't mind waiting?" Someone for support? How bad could this news be? Do u want someone here? I think it's better if no one knew what I was about to be told.

"No that is fine doctor. Please continue."

"Well we discovered some growths on you left oviry when we did the scan on your arrival. I would like to take you for surgery and remove these growths to have them tested. Is that fine with you?"

"Sure,let's get it over with. When can it be done and when can I go home?" I don't know where my home is right now but I will find a place.

"I left a opening on my surgery schedule for if you agree. So we can be done by about three you will have to stay over night for observation though."

"Thank doc. I will see you soon." Hope it is not something to serious. And I hope the doctor isn't sharing any details with my cheating husband.

My thoughts are disturbed by one hell of a comotion at the door.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Liz honey what is this I hear of surgery? " the walls has ears yet again. How on earth does she do that. Hear things when she is not even present? Beats me.

"It's nothing mom just a routine procedure after a miscarriage." I lie to her giving her a small smile.

"Lizzy. I want to ask you a favour. Please give Dilton a chance to talk to you." What. Why on earth would she ask something like. She has no clue what he did.

"I would.."

"Well now what would you do. Frankly the fact that you refuse to talk to me or Dilton about why you are so he'll bend on ignoring him makes me wonder." She cut me off. And then she insinuates.... gawd I don't even want to know know what is running through her head right now.

"Mom please I ....." how do I tell here something that is bad but ensure it sounds good. "Mom I ..... I just don't want him to blame me for loosing our baby. I don't want to see him hate me. I......I am a weak woman I can't even give my husband the one thing he really wants. It is better for him to find a wife that will be able to give him a child. Something I will never be able to do." By the time finished tears were running down my cheeks. When I look at my mom I see tears brimming in her eyes.

"O honey. Never ever say that you are week. That is the one thing you are not. You young lady has got one strong back bone. And as for children there are more then one way to get those. Don't go through life with closed eyes. And this is exactly why you need to talk to that husband of yours he has some scattered feelings just like you. And for blaming. He blames himself. So why not give him a chance to talk. Just listen to him. You don't even have to say anything." She has always been a voice of reason.

"I can do that but he must respect that I will only listen" my mom nods fas she leans in to give me a hug.

"I will tell him you have no objection to listen but you will only be doing that."

With that she left my room. My thoughts has been running away from me. I wondered if it would have been a boy or a girl. What color hair what color eyes. It hurt knowing I will never meet my baby.

A noise at the door broke my train of thoughts. When I looked up, I was shocked by what I saw.

"Dilton" his name slipped with concern before I could stop myself.

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