Chapter 15

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Wiping my salty tears away I followed him towards the front door. He still haven't said anything. My thoughts are all over the place. I can't read his expressions. Following him like a lost puppy we reached the steps that leads to the main foyer entrance. Just before he knocked I stopped him. He gave me look of anger mixed with confusion mixed with is that love I see?

"Please don't, I want you to observe from a distance while I explain to him please he is only 2." I asked with pleading eyes. He said nothing and only nodded his head understanding.
"Let's me take him to the sun room give me about 2 minutes then you can come in and observe." He nodded again.

I took that as my que to leave. Slowly opening the door I hear pitter patter of small feet. Accompanied by my kosher voice. "So mommy is coming and she has a suprise for you" it was quiet for a bit then I heard his voice "suprise? Yheeee" as they rounded the corner they saw me standing there. All the while Dilton is standing by the door listing to everything.


"Hi buddy, so mommy has a small suprise for you. Come let me tell you a story then I will show you." Bobbing his head as he took his seat on my lap I looked over to the door to see Dilton standing there with wide eyes. He can see what everyone else see Matthew looks just like him.

"So buddy, remember mommy told you that daddy doesn't stay in the same country than us. But across lots and lots of water?" Not sure what to answer he just stares at me. "Well when we got on grandads big plane, that plane took us over all that water that is between you and daddy. So mommy went to find daddy today." He interupted me.

"You find dadda?" A small smile played on his lips. I looked up to Dilton. He was still in shock. I motioned with my hands for him to stand closer but he was unmoved. I gave him a confused look which he also didn't notice. This man was totally out of it.

Before I could utter his name Matthew was off my lap running towards his father screaming "dadda dadda dadda!" No that snapped Dilton back to reality. Matthew ran for his legs grabbing on to them tightly. I could see my boy was squeezing his daddy's legs like his life was depending on it.

Dilton looked at me and then he looked at Matthew.

"Yow myw dadda?" Leave it to a two year old to shatter a emotional brick wall. Dilton looked at me and I nodded. Bending down so that he was eye to eye with Matthew Dilton pinched his cheek.

"That I sure am son" and he embraced Matthew. For the first time since I told him everything Dilton looked at me and mouth "Thank you"

I could handle it anymore so I turned around to leave them to have some privacy. My tear are on the brim of falling and there is nothing I can do to stop it. And I never want Dilton to se me vulnerable again.

Just to know that he accepted our son already made my heart swell with love. I just hope that he keeps his promise. But he was never one to break promises except our marriage promise. But I can't blame him I could never give him what he wanted.

I was near the staircase when I felt a tear roll over my cheek as I was about to wipe it off I felt a hand on my shoulder. Feeling the familiar electricity but yet so foreign I new it was him. I avoided looking at.

"Thank you Elizabeth. But please don't go we have a lot to talk about. Matthew went to bed." I just nodded my head. Still not looking at him but concentrating on the lines of the tiles I made my way to the kitchen. I felt his presence behind me with every step I took. As I was about to enter the kitchen I heard him sight.

"Elizabeth I just want to talk you don't have to serve me anything is there somewhere we can be private?" I nodded my head still not looking at him. My dad arranged for me to have my own office while I was here so I changed direction not saying anything and started making my way to my office. Lucky for me it was only locate four door down from the kitchen so I walked briskly I didn't want him to talk to me yet. Reaching the door I reached for the door handle. Opening the door I realised that I still have our wedding photograph on my desk. Making my way to the desk I tried to remove it but a hand stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Don't." Was all he said as he turned it around. When he realised what it was I heard him sight. I still didn't have the heart to look at him. I felt embarrassed that he saw that. But that was all i had left of us. The rest I left at the house when I left.

"Lizzy look at me" He pleaded. But some how it felt like familiar. It reminded me of the day at hospital when he asked me for a divorce. That brought fresh tears to my eyes. Which I failed to keep swallow back. But I still refused to look at him. That is when I felt his thumb on my cheek wiping away the lone tear. I missed his touch so bad but couldn't. It wasn't fair to his new lover so I turned my head away. Swallowing the lump in my throat I tried to talk still not making eye contact.

"You wanted to talk please proceed" I tried my best to sound emotionless. But failed miserably.

"I am not talking until you look at me Elizabeth. Look at me. Then we can talk" I moved away from him towards my desk chair I needed distance between us. Taking a seat I straightened my face wiping all emotion and looked up to him. But when I saw his face so full of sadness I felt guilty. Guilty for everything. I nodded my head for him to continue not trusting my own voice at the moment.

He stood there staring at me. Not saying anything. Being under is gaze started to make me feel uncomfortable. Then he asked the question I dreaded.

"Lizzy all i want to know is why. Why lizzy that is all can you tell me why?"

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